Part.2. McDonalds, A movie, and kidnapped.

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I can't believe this is happening...Three scary missed calls from my mother, who was probably worried and wondering where the hell I was right now. But little did she know, I was sitting smack in the middle of McDonalds in a small, crowded booth with all five of my kidnappers, who I'd learned happened to go to Southwest High, the poorer school on the other side of town.

"A burger for the lady," Toby, the guy whose name I'd recently learned, the one with the green eyes and black hair, smirked at the blond waitress who had her hair up in a messy bun and a skirt on that was ten times shorter than it wa supposed to be.

"I can order myself, I'm not a little kid." I mumbled, but he ignored me and kept his eyes glued onto the waitress' chest. I rolled my eyes.

"And make that to go, please. Thankyou."

"She's kidding." Toby said quickly, glared at me, then back at her, " We'll eat here." He smiled a bit flirty, then leaned back into the cushion of the booth and looked relaxed yet at the same time flexed the muscles in his chest.

"If only I was." I whispered under my breath. The waitress smiled and gathered all our menus. Nathan, the angry blond, who finally took off his black hoodie and showed off his dark grey Tee, looked at me, and leaned over (since he was right next to me, our legs basically touching every couple seconds), and whispered into my ear.

"Don't be difficult."

I shuddered at the touch of his warm breath. He grinned and leaned back, then began talking to Chris, the one who drove the rapist van here. During the long ride to McDonald's, I'd learned all their names in the classy, nice chat we had.

Chris, spiky blond hair with his tips a golden brown. Eyes of an angel, a sweet hazel. Yet the total opposite of an angel. A demon, mostly. With a wicked sense of humor.  Then Nathan, the angry blond, whose eyes were as blue as ice. Scattered on his face were tiny, transparent freckles. He was always wearing a frown, unless someone made him laugh. Then he laughed.

Theres Jackson, a innocent, yet playful kind of guy with crinkly, curly red hair and big warm brown eyes. Toby, the player, the flirty, the brave, and the stupid. He had straight black hair that thickened down the back of his neck and down the sides of his face. His eyes were a light glow of lime-green.

Last but not least, was Liam, a shy dark cherry-brown haired, brown eyed boy whose face had a scar on his forehead. Much like Harry Potter, actually...which made it all the more funny and yet sad.

Altogether, we all probably made the oddest pairs. I mean, we all probably looked just so unusual, sitting there in the middle of McDonald's, me in my fat Hawk suit, my hands and feet tied with a rope, an angry frown on my face, and them with their nervous (well, except for Nathan and Toby), smug faces. Yup, no wonder people were defiantly staring...

Or maybe they were all just staring at me.

After a couple more minutes of me asking them when they'd let me go, and if I could at least pee, the food was delivered to our table. Toby had gotten more food than everyone at the table combined. But that's only because he didn't let me order. I'm the eating-champion at my house, eating my dad out of victory.

The fact popped up that I couldn't eat with no hands, well, with hands shoved in a fat suit, and luckily I'd mentioned the fact that I was wearing clothes under it. But only a pair of tight shorts and a loose Tee shirt. Causing a tiny bit of a scene, they all tried to help my out of my suit, but finally Nathan got annoyed and him and Toby lifted me up out of it. Finally, we all sat back down as I watched Nathan throw the large hump of hawk into the trashcan. Well, there went coach and my moms dream.

He scooted back in, his butt sliding on top of me to get back between me and Chris, which, thank god because Chris was started to try something with me in my shorts under the table. Nathan sat back down and stopped the madness, though he didn't know it, and we all began eating.

I at first refused to eat, saying I wasn't hungry, when in all reality, I was, but soon Nathan forced me. Basically by grabbing my burger and shoving it down my throat. I almost choked. I began making a loud gagging sound, and just when people from other booths began to get up to come over, Nathan smacked my back and I gulped it all down in one thing.

"Holly shit," I gasped for clean air, "I almost died!"

"Cool," Nathan took a bite of his sloppy, juicy burger and went back to not-caring. I rolled my eyes.

"But you didn't did you?" Toby winked at me, and I frowned and gave him a face of annoyance.

"Gee, thanks. Means a lot." I said sarcastically.

He shrugged with his stupid smirk on his face and continued taking huge bites of his burger, like, huge.

"Sooo, where to next?" Chris smiled, and I looked over with the surprise written all over my face. Nathan looked at me and laughed.

"What? Are we really that bad?" He questioned, a playful, pleading look in his eyes.

"Yes." I said flatly. Nathan found my annoyance amusing and chuckled.

"I say..." Toby interrupted the gaze me and Nathan held, "The Movies. I've been wanting to see Mama for a while now."

"That horror movie?" Jackson asked, a grin washing over his tense face, "I'm in."

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