Chapter 32 Bakugou's A Brat

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Author's note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I started drivers training last week, and I have theater on top of that... so you could say I've been a bit busy. I'm literally writing part of this in the drivers training car as some else drives.

Kirishima's POV:

We returned to the dorms.

I could tell that Bakugou was relieved to be back.

He started walking away.

"Where are you going?"

I asked him.

"My room dumb ass."

"But you're not supposed to be by yourself for a while..."

"I don't give a fuck."

He answered plainly.


Mr Aizawa spoke up.

"You're taking somebody with you."

His head started twitching, a clear sign that he was getting stressed.

"No! I'm not bringing anyone with me."

His defiance was clearly getting on Mr Aizawa's nerves. And Mr Aizawa didn't appreciate tantrums...

Though... Bakugou wouldn't call them that.

"The doctors allowed you to come home on the promise that you would have someone with you at all times."

Mr Aizawa was most definitely trying to be more patient with him since he had a concussion.

"I'm not a baby! I don't need a fucking babysitter!!!"

"Bakugou Katsuki! I will not hesitate to bring you back to the hospital if whatever this is continues!

You have many friends who would be willing to stay with you, but I will be perfectly fine with keeping you with me for the rest of the day."

Bakugou ticked, jerking his head to the side.


He finally relented.

"Who do you want to go with you?"

Bakugou seemed to think for a little bit.

"... Kiri and Kami..."

He finally answered.

Mr Aizawa nodded in agreement.

Sero had already gone back to his room to do whatever he does in there. So that's probably why Bakugou hadn't mentioned him.

Bakugou angerly stomped off, only stopping when Mr Aizawa gave him a warning about his adutude and how he wasn't going to like the consequences if it continued.

Kaminari and I followed closely behind our stubborn friend.

Bakugou plopped onto his bed, I sat on his spinny desk chair, and Kami sat on the bed next to Bakugou.

Kaminari slowly scootched closer and closer to Bakugou, until he was basically pressed against him.

Bakugou sighed, laying down on the bed, dragging Kaminari with him. He motioned for me to join them.

I'm honestly starting to think that his love language is physical touch. He likes to pretend that he hates it like 90% of the time, but he can be surprisingly cuddly when tired.

I joined them on the bed, pulling the blanket over us.

Kaminari was tucked against the wall, I was on the outside, and Bakugou was sandwiched between us.

I really enjoy when we do this.

After a probably hour long nap, I woke up to Bakugou trying to get out from under Kaminari, who somehow ended up acting as a weighted blanket.

I sat up, pulling Kaminari off of Bakugou, and onto myself.

Kaminari was still asleep, and sprawled across my lap.

I was basically cradling him at this point.

Bakugou groaned as he sat up.

"I couldn't fucking breath..."

He mumbled in annoyance.

"But don't you feel loved?"

I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Can't he do that without killing me?"

I shrugged.

"What do you want to do?"

He shrugged as well.

Kaminari shot up, slamming his face into my chin.

We both yelled in pain.

I nearly dropped him in all the commotion.

"I'm not going to be the only with a concussion if you idiots aren't careful."

Bakugou said matter a factly.

After a not so serious fight between the two blondes that consisted of mostly weak slaps, Kaminari asked a question.

"Do you guys wanna play a game or something?"

"Depends on the game."

Bakugou answered.

Kaminari seemed to think it over.

"Hmm... What about never have I ever?"

"Of course you'd be the one to pick out a stupid game."

Kaminari gave him a dirty look, then proceeded to zap Bakugou.

Bakugou retaliated by slamming Kaminari in the face with a pillow.

After another not so serious scuffle, Bakugou finally gave a legitimate answer.

"I'll play your stupid game if you shut the fuck up. I have a headache."

Bakugou ticked, flipping off Kaminari, as if to punctuate his sentence.

Kaminari nodded happily.

Author's note:

Sorry for the sort chapter.

I planned to get the actual game In this chapter, but I've been busy so this chapter was kinda rushed.

And as if some sick god or something decided they wanted to fuck with me even more, I have fucking writers block!!!

Idk... ideas man 🤲 give em.

See ya maybe ♡♡♡

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