Chapter 1 In Trouble

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In middle school bakugou bullied Midoria constantly, but only about a third of the bullying was intentional.

It might sound weird but he wasn't trying to be all that mean. But of course he wouldn't tell anyone that. He'd rather just get in trouble.

♡ ♡ ♡

Bakugou walked into class passing past Denki on his way in.



Denki yelled at Bakugou, bending down to pick up the books Bakugou had just slapped out of his hands.

Bakugou just sat down, pretending he was just in a bad mood and was intentionally an asshole.

Time skip brought to by gay frogs...

Aizawa was pointing at the board trying to explain what to do in a crisis situation.


"Bakugou, this is the 5th time this week I'm going to be telling you not to scream in class, I won't do it again."

Bakugou just nodded, knowing he was probably going to get in trouble, because it was definitely going to happen again at some point that day.

At lunch he had even more of an issue because it was nearly impossible to not shove people's food of the table.

His friends thought it was just him being a dick so they had learned to guard their trays, always sitting him next to kirishima who would harden his arm as a shield for their food.

Denki was talking about a funny story involving jirou when bakugou suddenly flipped him off, yelling.


That made them all jump a little in surprise.

"You don't always have to be such an asshole you know. "

Kirishima said looking annoyed at bakugou, which was an extremely rare thing.


Bakugou mumbled in response, crossing his arms like a stubborn child.

Kirishima sighed.

"You gotta understand why you can't do that man."

Bakugou ticked, flipping Kirishima off.

Denki rolled his eyes, continuing his story.

Back in class bakugou was doing everything he could not to tic, but quiet rooms always made them worse.

(Please don't suppress tics, it can be extremely harmful)

Eventually tho, he couldn't stop it anymore. While the papers were being handed out he ticked. Slapping the papers out of Higakure's hands when she was trying to hand them back.


Aizawa had a raised voice, making it clear he was even more unhappy than usual.

Bakugou almost flinched, but managed to stop himself.

"I want to speak with you after class. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

Bakugou wasn't great at coming up with excuses, so he spent the rest of class trying to think of one.

Author's note:

I know it's so short but I'm not good at writing sooo...

I love feedback so tell me what you do and don't like about it.

Tics are contagious so I really hope I don't catch any of these, I already have enough tics of my own.

(You can only catch tics from people if you already tic in the first place)


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