5 Request

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And I was back in the camp. Hange welcomed me with amounts of hugs and new information they acquired about titans while I was gone.

The others were also happy to see me. They asked about my life on the farm and thankfully Levi let me say whatever I wanted and didn't say anything about my parents or my near-death experience with titans.

I'm sure him being so secretive with his life made him understand my hesitancy to answer certain questions. And made him feel like we were on the same boat.

"Um, Levi?" I tapped his shoulder. He turned to me with wide eyes making me realize my mistake.

"Oh, sorry captain. I wanted to talk about something, could we maybe go somewhere more secluded?" His eyes slowly narrowed, trying to see what was hiding behind this weird request.

He sighed and without a word motioned with his hand to follow him.

Silently walking to his office, I replayed in my head what I wanted to say. I knew he wouldn't like it so I needed to phrase in the best way possible.

After closing the office doors, I sat down on a chair facing his table. I waited for him to sit down too but he went to his cupboard and took out two cups. He left the office.

The waiting made me even more anxious. I wanted to have it out of me as soon as possible and face the possible rejection sooner than later.

He came with a hot kettle and filled the two cups with boiling water. I saw tea leaves float on the surface.

Did he make himself two cups of tea? That's a bit much, even for him.

He finally sat down and took the cup in his hand, smelling the aroma.

I silently watched him. I almost forgot what I was here for.

"Little thanks wouldn't hurt." He remarked.

"Huh? For what?" I looked at him, confused by his sudden need for praise.

"I was generous enough to make you tea from my small supply of tea I have so I think a 'thank you' is the least you can do. Or am I asking too much again from a simple farm girl like you?" He snarked.

"Oh no. I'm sorry, I didn't- Thank you." I said frantically. I didn't mean to look like I don't have manners. It just didn't register with me. "...I just thought they were both for you." I said apologetically.

"You think my tea addiction is that bad?" He looked into his cup, impatiently waiting for the hot beverage to cool down enough for it to not burn his tongue.

"Anyway, yes the tea is for you so take before I change my mind." I quickly pulled the cup towards me, burning my finger on the hot ceramic.

I watched the leaves deepen the color while they floated around in the cup.

"You wanted to talk with me, so spit it out." He put down his cup, recognizing that it wouldn't cool down as quickly as he thought.

"Yeah...that. See, I was hoping that maybe... if I came back to the scouts...that I could..." I noticed Levi's impatient tapping of his fingers against his knee.

"...uh, what I wanted to say was. That...could I maybe have more freedom while on missions? I promise I won't endanger anyone and be more mindful, please." I clasped my hands together and hopefully smiled.

He watched the cup while I was talking and when I finished his eyes slowly moved upwards. His eyebrows also made the same movement.

He waited for a bit, maybe waiting for a punchline of my joke but didn't receive any.

He ran his hand through his hair. I didn't know if he was frustrated or in disbelief but I was getting nervous again. I reached for the tea and took a sip even though it was still hot.

"Y/N, I don't want you to think that I underestimate your abilities. I learned that you're very capable..." A smile started appearing on my face.

"However, I'm still the captain of the survey corps and they need to work like a team and not on their own." Levi noticed my now saddened expression.

"Look, if it were just us two killing titans, you'd have all the freedom you'd want but that is not the case." His voice was calm and didn't hold any of his normal arrogance.

"Yeah but-" I pouted.

"Y/N..." He pinched his nose bridge.

"Please, please Levi" I whined. He shot me a look. "Captain, captain, sorry but please~."

Shit I keep forgetting and making him more annoyed.

He took his cup and drank a bit from it. He closed his eyes, swallowed and deeply sighed.

Finally, he opened them and looked at me.

"Okay, I will let you have a bit of freedom...BUT...when I deem necessary you are going to listen to my every order without a question. Understand?" His eyes pierced mine giving me a very serious look.

I had to keep myself calm since I was so excited.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Le- captain." I smiled. He chuckled upon hearing my quick correction of my mistake.

"Yeah, yeah. I just hope you won't go psycho on the next mission like you did because I won't hesitate to punish you again." He dismissed and took another sip of his tea.

I took my cup too but couldn't help but smile continuously.

Alone Together, Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now