10 First mission

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It was finally a month of my training in scouts and I could officially participate in the survey corps missions. We were preparing for a regular mission to kill off some pure titans that accumulated in a forest near one of the populated areas.

I was ecstatic at the thought of going on mission with the scouts. I couldn't even sleep this night from the excitement. We were now waiting on our horses with the ODM gear and also on Levi to give order to go. He was speaking to someone at the front of the group, probably clearing some things about the mission. I hoped there would be many titans for me to kill because Levi took me only one other time to practice killing a titan and I was getting bored at the camp.

When Levi finished talking, we started moving. The route was supposed to be long but we would manage to get back to camp in time if everything went according to plan.

It was some time into the route and people started chatting out of boredom. I exchanged few words with people but when it got too personal I didn't want to talk much so they moved on to talking to each other and let me be.

Through the loud talking of the scouts in front of me, I noticed lone Levi at the head of the group. I pondered if I should go and keep him company or mind my business and avoid his grumpy character.

Ah, fuck it. I heeled the horse with my boot to pick up the pace to get to the front of the team.

Levi side-eyed me when my horse took up a comfortable place next to his.

"What do you want, farm girl." He said in annoyed tone.

"Aren't you lonely here?" I looked around the plains we were riding through. If I wanted to talk to him, I couldn't let myself get engulfed by his arrogance so I asked in the nicest way I could.

"I was perfectly fine until you appeared."

"Am I really that bad, honestly?" I said, a bit hurt from his statement. He looked at me, making sure if I really just asked that and then turned back to watching the distance in front of him.

"If you had to choose between eating dog food or no food at all, what would you rather choose, think." He said in monotone. He said in a way like it was supposed to be a regular riddle and not an insult.

"I...did you just compare me to dog food??" I leaned closer for him to see my face. He innocently smiled and his head did a little nod.

"Okay but if you were starving you'd eat the dog food in the end and you're starving now, captain, starving on no human communication so stop being stubborn and eat the dog food and talk to me." I said smugly. It sounded more like a command when it mixed with my tone.

Levi looked at me with raised eyebrow. I expected angry response for my impudence.

"I hope that you'll use the same persistence with killing titans and not only here..." My face lit up. Yes, I won. I managed to persuade him to talk to me. I patted my back in my head.

"...so what do you want to talk about, and no personal stuff but I think we have established that before." He said with stoic expression but his words said something different. He let his iron wall a bit down and abandoned his egoistic character to get down on the level with us 'mortals'. I was astonished that he just agreed to chat with me and my smile grew.

"Yes, captain. I won't leave until every titan is slayed." I straightened in my saddle and saluted with a smile. He didn't look amused.

"So what's up with you and drinking tea?" I started and got back into a comfortable position on my horse.

"What is wrong with drinking tea." He sounded almost offended at my question.

"Not directly with the tea but you drink so much of it. I always see you with a cup whenever you eat or sit at a table." I reasoned. I was honestly curious. His tea addiction was something I haven't come across before.

"Do you watch me so much? Am I that interesting to you?" He smirked and leaned to the right closer to me to watch my face get a pink hue.

I was taken aback by his unexpected questions. I froze and then quickly looked into the distance. I felt my cheeks heat up. I was truly observing Levi more often lately but I didn't think it was that over the top. I picked myself up and turned to Levi again.

"Don't think so highly of yourself. I was only interested in how much tea you'd drink in a day." I retorted with a smug.


"And what." I said confused.

"How much tea did I drink, farm girl." His voice got a bit louder.

"I didn't keep the count until the end of the day yet. I always forgot halfway through." I said sheepishly.

Haha, more opportunities for me to look at him under the pretense of counting his tea cups. I smirked to myself.

"Then keep watching, I want to know how much I actually drink. I seem to get through my tea supply quicker lately." He said genuinely confused by his tea consumption. His tea must be very precious to him. How cute.

Did he just order me to watch him? He must like the attention. Well, I don't mind.

"Could you maybe make a cup for me to taste it if I counted the cups?" I tried if he could even be generous with me since he was a bit friendlier now.

He raised his eyebrow again.

"I just told you that I don't have much of my tea and you think I'd give out some to a farm girl like you?" I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

"I don't even think you'd appreciate the taste. But maybe I could give something to the peasants and let you taste a bit of heaven. What did you drink back on the farm anyway." My body was frozen from the words he just uttered. I'm not sure he'd let anyone drink his tea before.

Levi probably took my frozen state as reaction to his last sentence about the farm.

Was it too personal? He thought.

"Sorry, I forgot, no personal stuff." He cleared his throat and looked ahead again.

"No, no. This is not personal. We usually drank just water or milk. I saw villagers selling tea but never had it before." I started thinking about my childhood. But before I could get lost in my memories, Levi's hand stretched out in front of my chest making me stop my horse. The whole squad started stopping their horse and everyone started looking around.

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