9 Eren is a titan?!

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I was training with the scouts for two weeks now and with the repetitive schedule, I got used to it quickly. I was quite good at fighting now and the ODM gear was like my second skin. I still couldn't go on missions with Levi's squad, so on times where they would be out, I'd help around the camp or I'd play assistant to Hange in their experiments.

The scouts and me were now resting after another exhausting training. Levi was suddenly called to the office so we couldn't let go of an opportunity to sit down for a bit.

"Hey, Eren!" Connie caught Eren's attention with a slap over his shoulder.

"I bet even your titan wouldn't be able to break that wall like the other titan did." He laughed.

Huh? Eren's titan? What are they talking about. I pricked up my ears to not let anything slid past my attention.

"Obviously, Connie. That titan was enormous, Eren's titan isn't that big." Sasha said annoyed.

"But if he ran fast enough maybe he would make a dent in it." Connie theorized. They all looked at Eren for his opinion.

"I really don't know, I haven't thought about it." Eren said. They all sighed because they didn't get definite answer they were expecting to get.

Everyone got back to whatever they were doing before and I leaned close to Armin and whispered to him.

"What is this 'Eren's titan' everyone's talking about?"

Armin looked at me confused but then like a lightbulb lit up above his head.

"Oh, no one told you?" Seeing me knit my eyebrows together, Armin continued and explained everything I needed to know about Eren. As he continued to talk, my face got more and more annoyed and I was starting to get suspicious.

Why did they have a shape-shifting titan in the scouts? And everyone was seemingly okay with it.

He could be a spy, trying to get information on where people were to tell other titans, to know which areas of his titan body to cover when they get attacked by the scouts. The more I thought about it the more I couldn't understand why was Eren here. He is a titan for god's sake. He could be the one who sent the lonely titan that killed my parents.

I didn't let Armin finish and stood up without a word and went to Eren. I pulled him up by the collar from the ground.

"Why are you here, are you a spy? Are you here to kill us? TURN INTO A TITAN AND COME FIGHT! I KILL YOU!" My anger took over me because my mind immediately came to that memory of parent's getting eaten. I vigorously shook with Eren's body.

When others realized what was happening they started pulling me off Eren. They were trying hard to yank me off because I didn't want to let go of his clothing.

"SLEEP WITH YOUR EYES OPEN EREN! I WON'T LET YOU EAT ANYONE HERE!" I continued with my rampage. I was shouting my lungs, my eyes almost getting watery at the powerful emotion.

"HEY! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Levi shouted at us, his voice raspy. He looked at my hands grappling onto Eren's collar for dear life and I could see the anger building up in his eyes. The scouts let go of me and Eren. My fingers also loosened from the clothing.

"What the hell were you two doing." Levi gritted. Burning us both with his gaze.

"Did you know that Eren is a titan? Why didn't you tell me? What scouts are you that you keep a titan under your wings?!" I was utterly bewildered not only at the fact that Eren was a titan but also that no one bothered to tell me.

"Eren, take the others and go clean up the common area." Levi ordered with a calm voice.

When it was only me and Levi, Levi sighed.

"Listen, farm girl. I know how brainless it seems having Eren here and believe me, I was the first one to disagree with the idea of his permanent stay in the scouts. But the higher-ups thought otherwise and I have no other choice than to obey their orders no matter how much I hate the idea. So don't worry about him. I was instructed if Eren did anything suspicious, to kill him immediately." He talked in a calm tone and looked right into my eyes.

Something about those dark eyes and his hands firmly holding onto my shoulders, made my thoughts go blank. I couldn't focus on his words anymore, I was too fixated on his harsh features which were now somehow more alluring. Having the time to closely look at him, his appearance was not half bad. Sadly his arrogant nature overshadowed whatever he had going for him in the physical department.

"Hey!" He shook me to get my attention. "Are you even listening to me, farm girl?"

"Yes, and don't call me farm girl." I said annoyed and pulled out of his hold.

"And what do you want me to call you, princess, queen? Don't act like someone you're not. You're farm girl and that's what I'm going to call you." He said smugly.

"Ugh, whatever." I waved him off and started walking away.

"Hey, farm girl!" He shouted after me and smiled in satisfaction when I tiredly turned around.

"Like I told you, leave Eren alone!"

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk back to my dorm.

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