A Big Mistake

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During Art class, Leona thinks something is missing since it's a bit quiet during class, so she raised her hand to get Ms. Flora's attention.

"Ms. Flora" Leona called her teacher who looked at her, "Is there something you need dearie?" Ms. Flora asked.

Leona is nervous to tell but she did her best to say what she needs, "I noticed that the class is so quiet during art class" she stated, "so I was wondering if I could play my music box to have a little bit of music in the room" Leona added.

Ms. Flora thinks music will brightened up the atmosphere so she thinks Leona's idea is a go!

"Well I suppose we do need something to lighten up the atmosphere, so I'll let you play the music box, I wanted to hear what the music is playing" Ms. Flora told Leona who just nodded in agreement(since she can't smile🙃)

Leona slowly reached out to her bag to get her music box but she felt that it isn't in there. She double checked it if she's just imagining but it's true, her music box is not in her bag.

She turned to Hugo and asked, "Hugo have you seen my music box?" she asked her brother

"The last time I saw it is when we were listening to it in the school grounds while having our lunch" Hugo replied.

Just then Ms. Flora went over to Leona and Hugo' seat and asked, "Is there something wrong dear?" Ms. Flora asked.

Leona tried not to panic so she took a deep breath to calm herself and turned to Ms. Flora with a worried expression, "My music box is not in my bag" she told her.

Hildegard heard what's happening and acted like she didn't know the music box is missing, so she said, "Maybe it's in the school grounds, because as Hugo said, that's the last time you saw the music box right?" Hildegard said acting worried.

"I think Hildegard is right Leona, we should go look for it" Sofia said trying to comfort her friend, the whole class participated in searching for Leona's music box which made her sadness go away.

"No, I'll look for it myself, I don't want to burden you all with my problems" Leona reasoned

"Nonsense dearie! We'll be happy to help you" Ms. Flora replied

Leona thought for a moment as she looks at everyone in the class wanting to help her so she just nodded

"thank you" Leona said as Ms. Flora and the royals head out to the school grounds to search for the missing music box.

"I think the music box fell in the bushes while we were getting ready for art class" James said as they looked through the bushes but found nothing.

This made Leona, worried even more.

"where could it be?" Leona said as she panics a little. Hugo noticed his sister's behaviour and instantly tries to calm her down.

"Hey sis, calm down or else you might get into a panic attack, we'll find it for sure" Hugo said trying to cheer his sister up.

The royals kept searching for the music box but found nothing much to their disappointment. Just then Hildegard tried to sneakily run away trying not to get attention only to trip over a rock and fell down much to everyones shock.

"Hildegard! Are you alright?" Amber asked wondering if her friend is alright.

Hildegard sat back up, "I'm fine" she said smiling. Suddenly Clio spotted something broken in Hildegard's pocket.

"Hildy, I think you broke your fan when you fell, I'll fix it for you" Clio said as she reach out to get the broken object in Hildegard's pocket only to make Hildegard panic, "Wait!, no-" she tried to take it but it was too late.

Clio took the broken object and showed it to everyone, but the object doesn't look like a fan, it's-

"My music box!" Leona gasped in horror as she run up to Clio who is holding her music box which is now broken.

Everyone looked at Hildegard who just smiled sheepishly, "Hildy, do you have something to do with this?" Amber asked her with her arms crossed.

"Well, I, Uh...." Hildegard tried to defend herself but Leona cut her off

"You broke my music box..." Leona said taking deep breaths, everyone saw how angry and upset she is which kind of scared them.

Hildegard tried to defend herself, "It was just a stupid music box-"

"A music box that I only had left of my parents!" Leona yelled at Hildegard as she starting crying.

Everyone was shocked to hear what Leona said that the music box is from her birth parents.

"This...is the only thing...I had...from my parents....before they died a few days after my birth" Leona said trying to stay calm but she can't. "Why would you steal my music box?!" she asked angrily.

"I thought that it would be great for my collection" Hildegard said as she is shaking due to Leona's burst of anger towards her.

Leona wanted to yell at her more but she couldn't keep herself up anymore because her head started to hurt a little, she threw the music box to the ground and ran away which shocked everyone.

"Sis! wait!" Hugo called to her as he tried to run after her only to be stopped by Derek, "I think your sister needs some alone time to keep herself up" Derek told Hugo who just looked down worried for his sister.

Hildegard on the other hand, is shaking from fear due to Leona's outburst and now she realized what she's done.

"I hope you learn a lesson Princess Hildegard" Ms. Flora said standing in fron of Hildegard who's still on the ground.

Hildegard has no words to describe the incident that just happened, "I'm sorry....I didn't know" she said quietly.

Everyone looked at Hildegard with disappointed and upset faces, "Of course you didn't know because you just stole it from her without knowing her backstory regarding that music box" Hugo said as he crossed his arms.

Hildegard just remained silent.

"There's no way we can fix this music box" Sofia said as she held the broken music box.

Just then Hildegard had an idea, "Maybe i can..." she said.

Everyone looked at her, "I don't think we can trust you in fixing this Hildegard" Amber said.

"No, trust me,  I know someone who can fix it" Hildegard said trying to fix the problem.

"And who is it exactly?" Ms. Flora asked.

Hildegard looked at everyone, "The Enchancia's royal inventor, Gwen!" she told them. "Everything is my fault, so I have to make it up to Leona by fixing her music box" she added.

"If that's what you want to make Princess Leona feel better, go for it Princess Hildegard" Ms. Flora said

Hildegard smiled and everyone agreed to help fix the broken music box.

Everyone except Leona who flew back home early, went to Enchancia to ask help from Gwen who agreed as they all helped together fix the music box.

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