why wont you kiss me || josh

718 9 0

concept: first kiss
nonspecific gender
level: 🧸

you and josh had been dating for 2 months now. you guys were always with each other. you sat together on the couch as you two watched a horror movie together. you're we're watching nightmare on elm street 3. it was your favorite. that's why he picked it out.

you layed your head on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around you as his eyes focused on the screen, every now and then sneaking to take a glance at you.

he was enthralled by you. your beauty was astonishing to him. he had never met someone as amazing as you were. you gave him butterflies.


"yeah?" he asks not looking away from the screen.

"i'm happy your mine."

he looks at you. the smile on his face growing in size. "i'm even happier to be yours." he says.

you look into each other's eyes faces moving closer and closer. lips inches apart only for him to quickly turn his head as another murder happens on the movie.

you drop your smile. you wanted so badly to kiss him. y'all had been dating for a few months so you were confused at why he didn't kiss you. you turn your head back and watch the movie. after it's over you get ready to head out.

"call me when you get home." josh says as he walks you to the door.

"i will." you say. you never did. you were upset at why he didn't kiss you. was there something wrong with you? did he not feel the same way?

josh was worried when you didn't call, but had thought that maybe you'd just forgotten. He knew something was wrong when you didn't answer any of his calls the next day.

thoughts raced through his mind. we're you mad at him? had something happen to you? he knew there was only one way to figure this out. he went to your house. knocking on the door and your mother letting him know you were in your room.

he knocked on your bedroom door.

"come in." you say.

he opens the door and you just stare at him as he walks in.

"what are you doing here?" you ask.

"why didn't you answer my calls? i was worried." he says.

"oh you were worried?" you spit sarcastically.

"y/n? what's wrong? did i do something?"

"why won't you kiss me josh?" you yell.


"i said why won't you kiss me. the other night it almost happened and you pulled away at the last second. is there something wrong with me? do you not like me anymore?"

"y/n of course i still like you. i just didn't kiss you because..."

"because what?" you ask. He takes a seat next to you on your bed

"because i've never kissed anyone before. and i wanted my first kiss to be special especially if it's with you."

your look softens. "why didn't you tell me?"

"because it's embarrassing."

"it's not embarrassing josh."

you both look at each other. eyes filled with love as your faces move closer and closer together. inch by inch the gap between the two of you closes, finally your lips meet. they passionately dance together as happiness and contentment flow through the both of you.

"i love you y/n"

"i love you josh."

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