Oh not you again

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"Y/n please, I'm sorry just come here, please." Ricky pleaded

"Move rick." Vinny pushes him over. "Hey. It's ok I'll help you with them, I promise."

You slowly open the door, they looked so happy and relieved. Chris stepped over, you pushed past to Vinny, hugging him. You hid your face in his chest, Vinny fanned them two away.

"Hey, y/n I'm sorry, I promise not to yell again." Ricky said

You break the hug, turning toward him. You took a deep breath, wiping your eyes.

"I forgive you, but I've had such a bad day, and you two apparently forgot. Yelling scares me. I don't care that your mad, but take it somewhere else." You hug Vinny one more time going back to your bunk.

Ricky and Chris felt like shit, they sat in silence. Chris wanting to help, but Vinny won't let him. You sat in your bunk, listening to your music.

"What am I supposed to do?, I'm supposed to help." Chris asked with his hands on his head.

"Well for starters, apologize properly. And give them space, or sing, they love that. But you need to understand that what you, what both of you did, caused more problems." Vinny explained

He nodded, going to his bunk, to think. He prepared a song for you.

You stirred up, hearing something from the main lounge.
"What's that?" You sat up, jumping off the bunk.
You get to the main lounge and see:

Chris singing,
"So tell me your secrets and join me in pieces to fall and rewrite the bitter end, eternally yours."

You tear up, running to him. You hug him tightly. You look up at him, and smile.

"I'm sorry y/n, please forgive me." Chris asked

"It's ok, I forgive you hon, I know your just looking out for me." You go on your tip toes and kiss his cheek.

You pass out, cuddling Chris. He looks at you and smiles, passing out himself.


"Good morning babe." Chris wakes you up, kissing your head.

"Morning, hon, what's on the schedule?" You smile

"Preforming, there's a little party later too, if you want to go."

"Oh fun, you should go get ready, your breath smells." You smirk, then laugh

"Your one to talk, but ok fine,I love you."

Your eyes went wide,
"I love you too." You hid your blush.

Chris left, you grabbed your phone to text ash.

Hey, your never gonna guess what happened!!!!!!

Harley Quinn~

Chris said I love you!!!!!

Harley Quinn~

Obviously, but I was shocked, it was so sweet

Harley Quinn~
Well of course, but how are you feeling now?

Surprised, but really happy , overly happy, I can't stop smiling

Harley Quinn~
Awww, that's adorable

Ya it's awesome, are you going to the party tonight?

Harley Quinn~
Ya, we'll talk more later

You tell Vin, and go get ready for the party. While putting on makeup or doing your hair (either one or both), you started singing.

"But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating when he calls me pretty, I feel like someone."

Vinny and Chris were listening behind the door.

"What's going on?" Ricky asked walking over

"Y/n's singing, it's amazing." Vinny answered

"I said I love you, too." Chris added

"Ah congrats, I'm glad it was you, and not kuza , they ended up with." Ricky patted his back

"Look, at y/n, their adorable, and I'm glad you to are done yelling." Vinny said

They look at you, your dancing around , singing.


"Hey you ready?" Chris asked , hugging you from behind

"Yes I got my best outfit on." You smile , showing it off

"Yes you loo-." Chris started

"THEN LETS GO." Vinny yelled

You shot him a glare, grabbing your crutches. You all leave. You all got there, and you found ash, and started taking with her. You told her what happened.

"First, that's horrible, second you and Chris are so cute together." She exclaimed

"Aw thanks , he's the best boyfriend." You smile looking in his direction

"How's living with the guys." She laughs

"Pretty good, but Ryan does," you pause looking around. "Wait is that who I think it is?"

"Whst who?" She looks around

"My old best friend maddie, she was horrible to Chris and me, such a bitch." You get off your chair

You walk over there, as maddie walks to Chris.

"Where do you think your going?" You say

"Oh y/n, to see my Chris , of course." She says in a fake voice

"Ohhh like hell you are, and your Chris? , no hell no,"you get angrier

"Well I need to get him back, I'm sure he's done with you."

"How the hell are you here."

"Oh my soon to be ex boyfriend."

"Get out , YOUR not welcome."

"What's all the commotion." Ricky asks walking over to Chris

Chris looks over to you.
"Oh shit."
He runs over.

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