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It's been a few days since then. You haven't talked to Emma besides in classes. It's just been too awkward.. but you did not want to leave things this way. Today was gonna be the day you finally talked to her like a real woman. As you gathered your things and ran out of class, about to catch up with Emma, the teacher called you to the classroom.

"Yes miss? I'm in a rush so can you possibly be quick with this...? Sorry.." you said to the teacher. "Y/N that was quite rude but no, I cannot. Why haven't you been doing your work correctly? Nothing is finished, it's all incomplete and messy." she said to you. "I'm really sorry I'll work harder but can I please be let go today?" you pleaded. Hoping to see Emma today. "No. You will be cleaning the room today since you apparently can't get your work done right." the teacher said pissed off at you. Although you understood you still found it dumb, either way you did what she said. She watched over you the whole time so you couldn't even text Emma. As you finished you rushed home. You started texting Emma as you were running. You being your normal clumsy self, not watching where you were going... you ran into somebody.

"Ow, oh hey Y/N" Emma said. You looked up to her as your text was sent by accident. She looked at her phone after the ding sound. Reading your text aloud, "'Want to hangout? We could go to a movie or something.. I'll meet you at 10?' Well this text is useless. I'm right here silly." Emma said smiling. "Oh yeah.. yeah let's go somewhere, where do you want to go?" you said smiling. You were so excited. She told you she wanted to go to a bar. Oddly enough you followed her to the nearest bar, although you didn't drink if you wanted to.

"Hey, you look nervous. Look Y/N I'm not gonna make you drink if you don't want to, okay?" Emma said, slightly serious. You just smiled and replied, "I'm fine, it's all up to what you do." and with that you entered the bar. You have never been to one before, saying you didn't really have any interest in drinking before. You two sat down at the bar as Emma said, "So what would you like? I don't think you're a lightweight but get what you can handle." as she smirks slightly, you blushed a little. "I'll have a martini..?" you said confused looking at the different drinks. "oh, that's surprising, well, I'll have what you get then." Emma said.

After what seemed like hours of drinking, conversations, and dancing. Lots and lots of dancing. You were completely drunk. Emma didn't drink as much as you since one of you had to get you two home. As she carried you, keeping you stable, you two went back to Emma's house. although you never knew, but you were a blabbermouth drunk. "I don't understand.. my mom never accepted me, but what does she know..." you said slightly falling to the side. "What? ha.." Emma replied to you worried you were going to say too much. "Well she always wanted to be to be this... this.. pretty fucking princess..? I never wanted to be like that... I wanted to do what I liked but I couldn't ever because she, she..." you said, starting to cry.

Soon enough you were at Emma's house. You passed out after crying your eyes out on Emma's shoulder. Emma had sighed. "God.. what am I gonna do with such an emotional girl like you..? I like you so much. I really hope you know that." as Emma sighed, you woke up a bit, still drunk. "You like me? Wow.. how can such a pretty girl like me out of all the people in the world.." and with that you passed out again. "Goodnight Y/N" Emma said, covering you up with a blanket.

You woke up and rubbed your eyes, not knowing where the hell you were at. "Umm..?! Where am.. oh, it's Emma" you sighed in relief seeing Emma lying on the couch across from you in the living room. 'Wait fuck.. I have to get out of here. I don't remember anything after I got drunk.. damn it! She's probably gonna think I'm a weirdo..' You thought to yourself. Picking up your things trying to rush out, Emma woke up and grabbed your wrist before you got to the door. "What are you doing? Please don't leave, I want to talk to you some more, I'm sorry." hearing those words from her made you feel like you were floating, nobody's ever cared this much. "No I have to go like.. now? Sorry can we talk later?" you said.

You didn't have to go, it's just that you didn't want to stay and she break any bad news to you, you hated hearing things you didn't want to. "No! You can't run away again, I need to talk to you. We both like each other, so what is wrong?! God.. why the hell do you keep running away?!" Emma said frustrated. You started to tear up, replying to her almost on the verge of breaking down. "Jesus Christ I don't know okay! Please let me go." you said. As she let go of your wrist, you ran. You didn't know where you were going since this was a whole different neighborhood... but you kept running, that's all you knew how to do. eventually..

You were lost, in the middle of a place you don't know what so ever.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 - 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now