Alex's POV
At the end of the day, I go to my moms room saying "hey" and she says "hey, how was your day?" I say "really good, talked to his mom" and she says "and how was that?" I say "good" shrugging and she says "you aren't gonna tell me?" I say "no" and she says "ok" nodding and I feel a hand on my lower back and I say "hi, Jack" and he says "can I talk to you tonight?" I say "sure, come over?" Mom says "I have a date tonight anyway, don't kill each other" and Jack mumbles "not a killer" and he says "I'll see you later" quietly and I nod saying "I'm going home, take a nap get some food" yawning and she says "alright, I'll be back in an hour." I walk out of the room and Jack is making out with some chick and I mumble "what a fucking prick" biting my lip and I go home saying "I hate him so much, he's such a dick I don't give a fuck anymore" and I go to my room and I take a nap, setting an alarm to wake up to eat just before I fall asleep.
Several hours later
I wake up at six and I put on a big tee shirt and I put on music and Fly On The Wall by Miley Cyrus comes on. Then I remember that Jack was kissing some girl. I groan saying "what a prick but he wasn't even cheating! What the fuck! So confusing" hitting my head on the kitchen counter. I groan saying "fuck me" sitting on the counter then as soon as I get up there I get down and I get stuff out to make a bowl of cereal. I bite my lip saying "why did I even try with him? Fuck my life" getting apple juice from the fridge after I finish my cereal. I say "what a fucking jerk but he's so hot, I hate him but he's cute and he's nice but god, he's an asshole." He just frustrates me all of a sudden, I'm being pathetic, he's a one and done guy, he's not gonna change. People are saying I'm the one but he's not going to realize he might want to start trusting people till he is on his death bed. I feel like that's how its going to be. I come out of my thoughts to someone knocking on the door. I go to open the door to Jack and I lean in the doorway saying "what do you want?" He says "have you been crying? Are you ok?" I stop the music saying "didn't even notice it, I'm fine, what do you want?" He says "don't 'I'm fine' me, you're pissed off, it's my fault, I'm an asshole" and I raise an eyebrow and he makes eye contact with me and I say "come in." I wait for him to talk and I stand in front of him saying "boy, you better have a damn good reason why you've been ignoring me and kissing that girl and having the nerve to come to my house to apologize." I cross my arms and he says "I have attachment issues because of something that happened a few years ago" quietly. I bite my lip saying "I have something to tell you now" and he makes eye contact with me and I say "I think your mom told me what it is." He quietly says "it was all over the news a few years ago and I'm sure it would come back in a week or so and I'm glad she told you instead of you finding out on your own that I was almost convicted for murder." I rub his arm saying "I just wanted to hear it from you" quietly and he holds my hand and we sit on the couch and I turn to him and he says "why do you care?" I say "there's something about you that I could never let go of but I don't know what it is" biting my lip and staring into his eyes. He bites his lip saying "I feel the same about you but I get too close, they say I'm clingy then they're gone in two days time. That's why I'm not incredibly close with my family anymore, I used to be super close with them but I can't be close to anything anymore or it just goes down in flames" looking at the floor. I bite my lip and he says "if we are anymore than what we are now at some point, you gotta believe me, I'm not good at this, I never was, if I fuck up, please let me know" looking down. I say "aw, honey, of course" quietly, hugging him. He says "I'm very sorry for the jerk I've been to you, I'm into you unlike I've been to anyone before but I don't know if I'm ready" quietly. I say "it's ok, I get it and no one's ever ready for anything, Jack" biting my lip and he says "I just don't want to lose you" and I straddle his thighs saying "Jack, baby, if anything happens to me, it's not your fault" against his cheek. He says "everyone that I'm ever super close to since Alana just left so I gave up. I really want to try this time even if I'm not ready" quietly. I kiss his cheek saying "you worry about you, we'll take it slow and if it doesn't work out, it doesn't but I think we could maybe try?" He says "ok, I like that" quietly and he says "you're beautiful, Lex" and I kiss him deeply mumbling "I'm so proud of you for opening up and apologizing" quietly. He kisses me saying "you're a good listener, I like that" quietly and I kiss him hard mumbling "I think I owe you, hm?" He bites his lip saying "how?" I say "just enjoy yourself" against his cheek then nibbling his earlobe and he bites his lip, leaning his head back and I kiss his neck saying "you aren't off the hook yet but you're pretty close" quietly as I bite and lick hickeys into his neck slowly. He mumbles "as long as you're happy, I don't care" running his fingers through my hair then moving his hands to my back, pulling my shirt up slightly and I smile against his neck.

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