Alex's POV
I wake up mumbling "ew" and I get up, get dressed and showered and I mumble "idea" getting dressed and I go to school cause mom is already gone. I didn't do anything this weekend, it's a new week, I'm gonna see what I can do about Jack, I can't stop thinking about him. I go to my locker and Jack nods at me when he goes to his and when I walk by him I say "hi, Jack" biting my lip. He bites his lip and I go to class and mom says a "how was it this morning?" I say "alright" and Zack comes and sits next to me saying "is he being a jerk?" I say "no" shrugging and he says "what a miracle" and my mom says "I think you underestimate this kid, dude" and Zack says "he's been my friend for years, I know him." Mom says "I talked to him for like twenty minutes yesterday, nice kid, pretty funny too, I can tell when someone's faking that too." Zack says "I'll take your word for it" shrugging and people come in and she starts teaching and I just think how I'm going to go through with my plan. The bell rings and I go to my next class.
An hour later
During lunch I go to Jacks mom after I put my stuff away and I stand in her doorway and she says "I'm not responsible for my younger sons actions, I'm sorry for what he did to you." I say "can I talk to you for a second?" She says "sorry, habit, come sit, honey" and I chuckle saying "I'd be in that same habit too if I were you?" She says "so you here about the demon or the girl?" We laugh and I say "your demon child, I've been trying to get through to him and I was wondering if you knew why he's like this?" She says "you're new, right?" I say "yeah" and she pulls a newspaper front page from her desk drawer saying "I have a hunch why he's like this but you'd have to sit him down and talk about it with him to know what's up for sure." I bite my lip and I look at it and she goes to shut the door and she says "he's the nicest person I know, he just doesn't let anyone in, not even his friends anymore that he's been friends with since the beginning of middle school. He worries me, he distances from even May and they act like they hate each other but they were each other's best friends for the longest time, they used to be so in sync with each other, people thought they were twins." I smile saying "that's cute" as I read this report about a girl being missing for the past three years then her family presumed her dead to get some closure and it's talking about how people think her boyfriend was involved in her going missing. I say "what's this supposed to mean to me, I mean this is just horrible but what am I connecting here?" She says "this happened to her toward the beginning of her sophomore year, like a couple weeks after school started, she went missing. It killed everyone, everyone loved her, she was nice to everyone, no one hated her around here, she was the girl everyone liked even if you didn't hang out with her. She was the sweetest girl, Jack and her started dating in seventh grade, toward the beginning of that year, everyone loved them together. She was the only girl that wouldn't give him the time of day at first which in turn made him just so into her, he would talk about her for hours. He went for it she said yes, they were each other's everything, they never had a bad point or rough patch of their relationship, it was just so perfect but it all came to an end like this" pointing at the front page. She says "she went missing, she's a well liked white girl so they had full search parties and they never found her and her and her parents presumed her dead on their third anniversary. I know he's over her passing as he can be but he hasn't like been into someone like he was into her cause he won't let himself. He start just dating people just casually and all of those as soon as they started they were over. It sucked for all of us but I think out of her family too he was the one that got the worst of it, he hasn't talked to them since the funeral." I say "why's that?" She says "I think he thought that they thought he had something to do with it" and I say "poor thing" and she says "behind the scenes, a lot of people thought he did it but then the alibi got submitted and proved after days of questioning him. Took him right off the suspect list so no one ever was thinking he did it here but police thought he did it, everyone in law enforcement thought he did it, everyone else didn't, if he didn't say he had an alibi, he'd probably be in juvie." I say "damn, they really put him through a lot" and she says "he'd probably describe it as hell on earth, that's why I think he isn't close with anyone anymore, had a loss of someone he loved the most then got put through hell because they thought he did it. He was always making people laugh and he was such a ray of sunshine, if you can bring that back in some way, I'd owe everything to you." I say "I can try, his friends think I'll be able to but he won't open up to me but I'm gonna see if I can get something out of him, I'll let you know" quietly. She says "thank you so much, you're an angel, if you fail to get through to him, I won't have anything against you and neither will anyone else, Rian really tried getting through to him but no one else really tried like he did. So, if you can do it, we'd all be grateful." I say "you're so sweet, I'll try my best" and she says "I'll see you later, if not, tomorrow."

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