Alex's outfit for the party but with a leather jacket
Alex's POV
Before I leave school for the day I go to Jack saying "if you want me at this party, I need an address" and he says "you going?" I say "I'll think about it" biting my lip, just stringing him along. He hands me a flyer and I say "that much of a big shot around here that you have flyers?" He says "maybe" and Rian says "makes you a bit of a narcissist" and I say "or an asshole, depends on how you think about things" biting my lip and I say "see you around" and I hear Jack say "I'm gonna kill him" but I can tell he's checking me out. I say "if you kill me it's a hate crime, sweetheart" blowing a kiss at him and he seems flustered so, I go home. I do my homework from my other classes and my mom comes home saying "what did you do today?" I say "the guy that gets everyone that people also think is straight, asked me to go to a party tonight as his date, said no cause I don't want to do it like that, told a teacher to fuck himself cause he was staring at me, two of the guys friends said be careful but he's a nice guy if you get through to him, then by the end of the day I asked him what the address was. I didn't give him a direct answer of whether I'd be there or not and by the end of the day, I had him flustered." She says "that's great, hopefully it's not a teacher I have to work with, we have the same eyebrows, they'll know" and I say "we both maintain the brows, they won't be able to tell" rolling my eyes. I say "no, I think you're taking this douchebags place anyway, said it was his last day" and she says "thank god" and we chuckle. She says "wait, this fuckboy, you changed your mind on?!" I nod saying "yeah, I'm gonna try to get through to him, I'm already breaking him and I didn't give him the satisfaction of me saying yes to everything he says like everyone else does to him." She says "I see what you're playing at, so are you going to the party?" I say "probably" going to my room and I mumble "what to wear to this party, I wanna get laid but not by him yet but then I'm leading him on, I can wait." I shake my head and I put on a skirt and a crop top and a leather jacket mumbling "ok, I look hot" putting on some heels. I mumble "lets do this" fixing my hair and I say "mom, I'm going out" grabbing my phone off the counter and she says "alright, love you" and I say "love you too." I walk to this address and you could hear the music from around the corner. This is insane. Jack is just walking around talking to people like he owns the place and this house is borderline mansion, does his mom have a sugar daddy or something cause there is no way she is making this type of bank on teacher money. I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist but I can kind of tell it's not someone trying to kidnap me but I still say "I'll break your neck." Jack says "easy, princess I've seen all of The Karate Kid" and I say "what are you going to do? Crane kick me?" I turn around and he says "took you for more of a rom com kind of person" and I say "they're so just ew, no" and we chuckle. He says "that's fair, you look beautiful" and I blush, oh god, I'm giving in. I look at him and I lean in closer to his ear, innocently saying "thank you, it's all just for you." He says "do I get to take it off you too?" I quietly say "you wouldn't have to take it off me to fuck me" as he plays with my waistband and he mumbles "fuck, you're so hot" and I mumble "all for you" against his cheek and I walk away. Not getting down with someone as soon as I get here, I'm gonna go see if I can make friends or something. A group of girls come over to me and one says "I'm Brooke" and I say "Alex" and she says "you're literally the cutest thing ever" and I say "thanks?" We laugh and she says "were besties now, saw you were talking to Jack, hows that for you?" I say "certainly interesting" and we chuckle and she says "I'll see you tomorrow at school" smiling and walks away with her friends. I mumble "alright" shrugging and a girl comes up to me saying "don't be friends with Brooke, she's a psychopath, I'm May." I say "I'm Alex, just trying to make friends but turns out, everyone is nuts" and she says "you're right" us chuckling. She says "I'm assuming you met that dumbass over there" gesturing to Jack and he flips her off and I chuckle and I say "I have, certainly special alright" and we chuckle. She says "thats my brother" and I say "I don't see it" and we laugh and Jack comes over and whines quietly saying "May, stop talking about me" and we chuckle. He walks away and May says "so you are the real thing?" I say "what do you mean?" She says "he'd never whine like that unless he's in front of someone he's into or it's friends or family" and we chuckle and I say "I'm not being easy that's probably why." She says "so he's just horny for you and you aren't giving him shit" and we laugh and I nod and she says "I love seeing him miserable" and I say "it's pretty funny" and she says "you should see him go two weeks without getting with someone, he's just so miserable, it's so fucking funny."

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