Part 4

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"I have late-night conversations with the moon; he tells me about the sun, and I tell him about you."


Everything went smoothly after Jennie moved out. Turned out, everything isn't that bad.

Her parents—her dad to be exact, enrolled her at Myongji University, to continue her Architecture major, which Jennie thought was a great idea and she's forever thankful for her dad.

She really likes it here—and she got along pretty well with her classmate. One of the things that Jennie was afraid of in the newest environment, making friends, open up a conversation and bonding...

But glad that time was over and she can comfortably talk with her now-close-friend from her class, Irene. Irene is older than Jennie by 2 years, but that's because she decided to enrol this year not because she's lazy like Lisa. 

Irene can be a really good friend to Jennie because well... They have a lot of things in common and Irene really is a good listener to Jennie. Both of them radiating the same energy whenever they are together, made some people feel intimidated by their presence most of the time.

Everything also went well with her relationship with Lisa. Lisa was really understanding. She was really attentive as she was and was often visiting Jennie.

They had a lot of fun, they went to a lot of places—just the two of them.

Lisa was a romantic person, she would send Jennie a bouquet of flowers, or even just a postcard even though they were only separated by 417km distance but Lisa always made sure that Jennie would get to experience new things every day she was with Lisa, even when Lisa wasn't around or not be able to visit her.

They would always text each other, call each other. Jennie would even nag Lisa to be present in her classes—Lisa is that dense and she is lazy. She hates routine and being in classes bore her to the core. Thus, Jennie was trying to encourage her to go to her classes. For fuck's sake, Jennie is her junior, yet Jennie is almost at the same semester as her.

But those great things she experienced with Lisa, only lasted 2 years...


June, 23rd 2019

It was a usual day for Jennie, although today, she will meet Lisa—again. 

She loves the latter but lately, Lisa has been draining a lot of her energy and that wasn't in a good way.

Lisa became more and more insufferable with her jealousy and how she always wanted to know where Jennie was, what was she doing and with whom she was with. She doesn't trust Jennie anymore. Jennie has to report to her everything, anything.

Jennie knew it was totally her fault that Lisa became like this. She didn't tell her that she once hang out with one of her friends, and it was not Irene or someone that Lisa knew or met but Jennie had her own reason why, it wasn't like she didn't want to tell Lisa about it, it wasn't like she hid something from Lisa. 

It was just because Jennie forgot as she had so many schedules and was really busy at that time. She even forgot to call Lisa at night to tell her about her day went, she didn't even bother to text her goodnight.

But you bet, Lisa didn't believe it.

It suffocated Jennie. She hates that Lisa became someone Jennie wouldn't want to be around.


Lisa's voice drifted Jennie to reality. The reality is that she is now with Lisa at a semi-formal restaurant which Jennie usually loves whenever Lisa brings her here, but this time, Jennie doesn't feel happy about it.

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