Chapter 12

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Hermione woke up for dinner but she had slept the whole afternoon since it was the weekend anyway. Luckily her roommate decided that she wouldn't wake her up before dinner so she was well rested for that night's excursion. After dinner she went to bed with everyone else, deflecting Pansy's questions about her tiredness. Soon the other girl was asleep and she could get back up, intending to go to the Restricted Section of the library.

She quickly Disillusioned herself before making her way out of her dorm, then the Common Room, not noticing the person sitting in the shadow watching her with keen dark eyes, and arrived in the dark corridors of Hogwarts. Not wasting any time, she made her way to the library, penetrating the Restricted Section after only a quick spell to verify that there hadn't been any protections added since the last time she was here. There weren't. She then started looking for the book Anoch mentioned.

After an hour of searching she was beginning to feel a little desperate. She hadn't found anything yet and the Restricted Section was only half as big as the library itself, which didn't mean much since the library was immense. Also, since Anoch said that the Peverell coat of arms was on the cover she needed to pull each book out and try and see if it was there, and it wasn't easy since most of the writing was really faded. Despite it all, she continued relentlessly until three in the morning, at which point she decided that it was fruitless to go on since she was so tired she almost fell asleep then and there, and if she was too tired the next morning Pansy would start wondering what was going on.

Putting the book she was holding in her hands back on the shelf, Hermione tried to memorise were she was, not wanting to need to redo the books she was already done with. Not being able to do anything else, the bushy haired girl trudged back to her Common Rooms, being careful not to be seen but except the ghosts she didn't really think anyone would be patrolling the corridors at this hour. 

She knocked on Anoch's portrait to wake him up so that he could let her in, which he did reluctantly with a murmured "Any luck?" that she answered with a dejected shake of her head.

Exhausted, she went to her dorms, not noticing the slight tingle of magic passing over her when she crossed the threshold.

Not even bothering to change, she slumped onto her bed and fell asleep almost as soon as her head touched the pillow.


"Hermione? Hermione. Hermione! Wake up!"

Lifting her head groggily, the bushy haired girl saw Pansy leaning over her, shaking her awake, with a worried frown on her face.

"Wha' time's it?" she mumbled, wanting nothing more than to bury her head under the covers and fall back asleep.

"Eleven thirty! Merlin, Hermione! Yesterday you took a nap in the afternoon and still went to bed relatively early with us and now you sleep so late! Are you alright? Are you sure you don't need to go see Madam Pomfrey?" questioned the frantic girl.

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of the matronly medi-witch and she shook her head no.

"I'm fine Pansy, don't worry, I just didn't sleep well... Nightmares, you know..." the smaller witch felt slightly guilty about lying to her new friend but she couldn't explain everything to her without the secrecy charms hindering her and only telling part of it would be difficult.

At that Pansy looked guilty herself, making Hermione even more uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't have that many of them since I was to much of a coward to fight with you. I even tried to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord." she muttered, self disgust obvious in her tone, making the slighter witch want to comfort her, which she did after a moment of hesitation.

"I can't really imagine how life was here at school with the Carrow's as teachers, and Professor Snape as Headmaster even if he was a spy. Neville, Ginny and the others told me some of it but yeah, I imagine that being a Slytherin who didn't support Voldemort can't have been easy since you couldn't show to much insubordination without them finding out about your allegiances but you also probably didn't want to torture the other students in his name. I know that you were in favour of giving Harry over to Voldemort but many other students were as well, you were just scared, which is quite understandable." reassured Hermione and despite her flinches at the Dark Lord's name the taller girl looked a bit better.

"...Thanks. But if you want to be on time for lunch you should go and shower now." And with that the dark haired girl pushed her into the bathroom, barely leaving her time to grab a change of clothing.

A slightly bewildered Hermione showered and dressed into comfortable baggy pants and a large sweater before drying her hair and tying it into fluffy ponytail, not wanting to spent any more time to do anything better since it was the weekend either way. She came out of the bathroom and stood face to face with Pansy who smiled at her before glancing over her attire and grimacing.

"Sorry Hermione but now that you are my friend I can't allow you to go out in public with those awful muggle clothes and that hairstyle. I want to be a wizarding fashion designer and this is truly an eyesore. Do you have some wizarding clothes to wear or do I need to lend you something?" 

"I... have my school uniforms and some muggle clothes, is all..." she mumbled in answer, a bit ashamed of her clothes after truly looking at what the other girl was wearing.

She was wearing a black crop top with a high neck, transparent sleeves with dark silver spiderwebs on them and a huge dark silver spider drawn on the back of the top. She wore a short dark green and black plaid skirt with a black belt with silver spikes on it and a silver buckle in the form of a spider. She had high black boots on with silver clasps also in the form of spiders. Her nails were painted in a gradient from black to green with silver spots on it that were in fact tiny spiders, the make-up on her eyelids had the same colours and she had black lipstick on. She wore a silver bracelet of a snake coiled around her forearm. Finally she had a light black wizarding cloak over it all that was a very dark green on the inside and also had a silver clasp in the form of a spider.

"Okay, we will be late for lunch but that's no worries, I will make you so beautiful that everyone will gape and drool. Also, next Hogsmeade weekend we are going to go shopping, no objections allowed." And with that she turned around and went to her trunk on which she pressed her hand for a few seconds before stepping back and allowing the trunk to become taller and transform into a huge closet. At the sight of Hermione's disbelieving look, Pansy smirked.

"Don't worry, it is larger on the inside and has a rotating hanger full of clothes, I will for sure have something for you. I will change it a bit anyway, we can't let you going around in something exactly like something I have already worn."

Hermione just gaped some more.

"Okay, let's begin."

~ 1311 words ~

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• lilbookworm •

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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