Chapter 2

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Art provided by @Inkendz
TW in the description

Luca POV

Genova was the largest city Luca had ever seen. Giulia's mom, Gabriella, worked at an art studio where they often did homework after school. Luca instantly liked Gabriella. She gave him a giant hug and didn't even flinch when he did the Change in front of her for the first time. Rather than shrink away or become nervous, she had the opposite reaction and couldn't get enough of him. Luca remembered standing for many portraits for her to paint. Gabriella had always wanted to open her own art studio but never had the funds to do it in a city like Geneva.

The Geneva Trinity Academy had reservations about taking Luca as a student. But word of Sireni rapidly spread all around the world, and Italy was leading the charge as one of the first countries to welcome them. After some assurances from Gabriella and Giulia, they agreed to let him enroll. He excelled in everything. Math, English, Italian, and the Sciences all came easily to him. He couldn't get enough of it. He gulped down the information like it was water.

But even with his fast-paced learning, Luca soon realized that it would take him an extra two years of school to graduate. So the school came to him with a proposition to stay over the next three summers instead.

And Luca had to make a choice...

With a diploma in hand, Luca sat on the train, taking him back to his home. Portorosso. It had been three years since he had seen it. His chest felt tight with anticipation. He would see his home, Signore Marcovaldo and.....Alberto.

Luca hadn't written to his friend in a year. He couldn't. But even the thought made his body feel sick with guilt.

The train rattled along the tracks, the rain pounding at the windows. Giulia couldn't sit still and kept pacing the cart. Luca had brought a book to read for the ride, but he found himself losing focus every few sentences and gave up.

"I wonder what's changed," Luca said half to himself.

"Well, Papa said we have a new house! And apparently, there are several new buildings. Portorosso is growing!" Giulia said, adding a little skip to her pacing.

Luca sighed and leaned his head against the cool rain-stained glass. That wasn't what he was asking. He knew the town had changed. What he wanted to know was how the people had changed. More importantly - would Alberto still be there? Would he still want to be friends? Luca knew that ending his correspondence with Alberto probably hurt him. He looked down, ashamed.

The train came to a grinding halt. Giulia burst from the car door and ran out before Luca could ask her to help with the bags. He heard her squealing with delight. His heart sped up. Was it just Signore Marcovaldo? He hesitated before standing in the doorway.

"Silenzio Bruno," Luca whispered to himself and took the final step.

And there he was—gripping Giulia's fist and smirking at her. Alberto was there, just feet from him. Luca couldn't count how many times he had imagined this moment. He was finally seeing his best friend, the one he missed so much it hurt. He tried to speak, but his voice cracked. Luca took a deep breath and raised his voice.

"Um.... could I please get help with my bags?"

Alberto turned to him, and Luca felt his heart twist with a pang. It was Alberto. But he was different. The friend he grew up admiring was nowhere to be seen. Alberto stood before him, completely changed from a boy to a man. The muscles down his back rippled, even with a shirt covering him. Alberto was tall. Very tall. And he looked twice as large as Luca had remembered. Lean muscles ran from his shoulders to his arms. Hours of working on fishing boats had darkened his skin. But what made Luca take a quick breath were his eyes. Alberto's eyes were shining in a way Luca had never seen. The deep green reminded him of the summers they spent as kids. But now - they were much more intense.

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