Jay: Master of Weather??

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Yes, I said it.

I had suspected this a while ago, but had only a few pieces of evidence to base it off of.
Now everything fits together.

All the secret clues that Lego slipped into some episodes have been discovered.

First (and most revealing): in Episode 10 of Season 2 (at 12:35 in the video), Jay uses the element of wind in battle. Lightning and wind are two very prominent aspects of weather.

Second: if you were creating an entire world (as the First Spinjitzu Master did), would you use the elements of Earth, Fire, Ice, and Lightning, or Earth, Fire, Ice, and Weather? What purpose does lightning serve in favor of the entire element of weather?

Fire helps create hot deserts and volcanoes.

Earth is the ground, mountains, and canyons.

Ice makes arctic lands, glaciers, and Fire can melt it to make rivers, oceans, and streams.

Weather produces storms, winds, and yes, lightning.

Another part of this is that: Fire is the opposite of Ice, and Earth is the opposite of Weather. Lightning isn't more opposite of Earth than Weather at all.

Third: Jay was the first to learn spinjitzu.

•Reader: Seriously Clover? Any of the ninja could have learned it first, it just happened to be Jay.

•Clover: Well, look at it this way. Which elemental ninja would you expect to learn a "tornado-based-fighting-style" first? Fire, Ice, Earth, or Weather?

•Reader: Oh! Weather, with its wind and tornadoes.

•Clover: Precisely.

If you'll notice in the picture of Jay's spinjitzu, there are clouds, and there's rain in the background.

Fourth: Jay named his first dragon Wisp. What does "Wisp" have to do with lightning? More like, a wisp of wind...

I'm settled on it.

Believe what you want, but I hope I have persuaded you.

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