August 2nd

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Choose you this day whom ye will serve

Joshua 24:15 KJV


Joshua spoke to the people of Israel giving them a choice. One of the most important choices of thier THE most important choice of their lives. And it is the most choice and decision of OUR lives.

Who will we serve?
Will we serve God or Mamon?
Will we serve the one true God or idols?

When I speak of idols I do not only speak of images of wood and brass. silver and gold but anything that takes the foremost seat of god in your life. Whether that be your phone, your job, your family or school.

We must all choose. Every living human must choose the path they will take and the God they will serve. We MUST choose. And that decision determines our life and our life after death. That decision determines it all.

One thief, made the right decision, the thief on the cross. The thief didn't spend his life going to church or to the temple, or obeying the law, or following Jesus. he was a THEIF, a criminal, a lawbreaker. But when it came down to that decision. The final decision of his life, the most important decision of his life...he chose well.

As did the man before us. Like Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Rahab, Boaz, Ruth, David, Solomon, Esther, Mary Magdelene, the 12 disciples, Paul and many more. They all chose and so must we.

So today, who will you choose?

Who have you chosen?

God or Mamon?
The one true God or idols?
Christ or antichrist?
The straight and narrow path or the broad path?


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