should we?

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(A/n It just came to my mind for some fckin reason but enjoy ig. Its really short ( just like you haha /j). Oh and also Im really sorry for not posting any new chapter it just my lazy ass and not being creative.)

(everything happens in cinema)

'Hey charli let's go to cinema'you said
'Okay why not what do u want to watch?'Charli said
'Maybe sucide squad 2?' You answered
'Alright, then come on' She said

Like an hour later.

*some intresing noices*
Y'n looking from where the noices come from, after a moment of looking she finds out that some couples are making out. ( what else she could find out tf)
'Hey, hey charli look' you whisper to her
'Hmm, what do u want y/n' charli said anoyed
'Look at them' Y'n said and moved charli's head to the couple.
'Yeah and what about them?' she said confused.
'Let's make out too' You said happily
'Huh hell no, I want to watch movie' brunette said.
'That's cool but lets make out' y'n said with hope.
'Leave me alone you perv' she said
'But we're literally dat-
'Shh Let me watch in peace' she said mad

And that's how I didn't talk to her for a week

Just kidding I can't ignore her that long, for real I didn't talk to her for 20 minutes.

(Shit im so bad at wring lol)

Charli D'amelio imagines / preferences  gxgWhere stories live. Discover now