10 | Reeling

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A/N: Yes, I renamed chapter seven "Stepping" to title this one "Walking" because I realized that for every five chapters I'd come up with only four titles and that didn't work out for the reasons that you can probably expect, but then I realized "Walking" had to be used later so I changed the title again to "Reeling". O.o Now, here we are halfway into Niaomi, and the plot is just getting started! Our Riders and Angela are now on the run with a spy in their midst, and they don't even know it yet. Get ready for there to be more battles as well since Galbatorix has finally decided this is one job too big for his Black Hand to handle...

Pun was totally intended. ;)


Nicholas had officially decided that he hated the ocean. Its monster had claimed the life of his father, and its waves were claiming his own. "I am...truly...dying."

"Stay strong, my love," Ren said soothingly, rubbing his back gently as he dry heaved over the side of Du Seithrs Lögr. She found Angela's choice of names quite fitting in this case; the humongous ship did feel like a cauldron in which "The Witch's Brew" could be stewed. As Nick continued moaning, she looked out to sea where Silveran and Luminous swam, only after her godsister had made sure there were no Nïdhwalar in the surrounding area. Neither of them wanted a repeat of what had happened to Vanilor.

Remembering the fate that had befallen the gray dragon and his Rider made her remember the secret she kept from the rest, a secret shared only with her dragon. It was held within the lining of her pocket in one of the dimension cubes. She'd found it in her room along with a note from Niom, and had immediately ensconced its contents back within the cube after reading her godfather's final request. Several months had passed since his death, but Renata was still unsure of how the rest of her family would respond.

You think too much, keen one, Silveran commented of her thoughts, and I still do not understand why they would be angered.

Because he bequeathed Kveykva to me, even though I'm not of his blood.

From what you have told me, you were as much a daughter to him as Nia. The dragon flapped his wings, splashing Luminous. And it better suits us that any of the others.

His logic was sounder than she wanted to admit, and Ren kept musing as the dragons began a water fight. Her fiancé moaned even louder as their battle sent waves that further rocked the boat, and she rubbed his back. "You'll get your sea legs soon."

"Why didn't...I have them...right away?" he whined pitifully, his skin - once more brown - looking ashen. "My triplets...have...them."

"Water is one of Nia's elements, and Nate seems to be a born sailor."

Groaning in dismay, Nicholas swallowed down the urge to try and empty his already empty stomach. "Not...helping..."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine then. I'll leave you be."

The poor man couldn't even protest as he began heaving once more, and the brunette-turned-back-blonde walked off to find something else to occupy her mind. Catching sight of her despondent sister, she came over to her and asked, "What's amiss?"

"It's Nate," Rosaminda explained with a sigh. "Have you noticed anything different about him?"

Renata followed the other's blue gaze to spot the young man climbing about the rigging towards where his sister sat perched in the crow's nest. "Not in particular. Have you?"

"I - I don't know. Ever since I told him about t-the soldier, he hasn't been as...affectionate towards me. It's like he treats me as if I'm no different than anyone else. Like there's nothing between us."

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