Alien Discovery - Prologue

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On the night of the full moon, a small shiny red ball rolled through under the main entrance to the Soviet Union Prison. A russian soldier noticed the ball on the ground and picked it up. As he stared at it, the ball exploded, putting the entire building in flame. The blown doors landed infront of a golden alien, who appeared to be Lea Forge. She walked closer and stood infront of a chained window in a holding cell. Yellow energy blasted through the window, knocking the chains off. The blast appeared to come from Sayen Forge.

Sayen: Time to get out.

The next day, a gigantic water monster smashed a handful of beach members. The rest of the members ran pass Jeny, who transformed into her flaming body. She spat a large portion of fire through the monster's left chest. The monster slapped her into the air. As she fell in her human form, the monster charged his fist toward her. Two yellow plasma energy waves with a third one being red hit his hand. Jeny sat up looking at the blasts.

Simon: Get up, Jeny.

Jeny stood and saw Simon, Lay, and Jon blasting the monster. The blast blew the monster's hand up in the air. As it charged both it's arms toward the alien team, all four of them blasted them, with Jeny back in her fire form.

Simon: Lance! Spikey! Now!

Spikey ran toward the monster holding Lance. She threw him into the monster's liquid head where he started turning the inside of it's head into ice. The ice continued reaching it's arms, then the rest of it's torso. Lance broke through the frozen monster and landed underwater. Electric shocks spread through the sky like a thunderstorm. The shocks fused together and and struck the frozen monster into pieces. The shock transformed into a naked white alien, appearing to be Jennifer. The entire team stared at the monster's remains.

Simon: Alright... let's pick up the pieces.

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