Prison Break Part 1

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By the way, that is what Izuku looked like in the previous chapter.

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Izuku's Pov
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Izuku: 'W-where am I?'

I open my eyes and winced as I saw a bright light aimed at me, I felt the cold air touch my skin.

I fully open my eyes and see a room behind a glass window with a lot of people in it.

Turning my head, I see myself suspended in the air by chains, although, these chains were see-through as if they were made from air, they were blueish in colour.

Looking down, I was hundreds of meters off the ground, I almost had a heart attack from the shock, now looking around, there were bridges by the walls of the giant dome that held me, and on them, were numerous armed guards and heroines.

The guards kept their aim on me while the heroines all had a foul look against me.

Izuku: This is comforting.

As soon as I said that, everyone in the dome got on their guard and I could hear the safeties being switched off on the guns of the guards.

The people in the room in front of me also turned their heads as I spoke, now some of them gave me the stink eye, and some I recognized, namely, Madame Might, Eraserhead, Terrible Tornado, aka Aunt Tatsumaki, Blizzard of Hell, aka Aunt Fubuki, the Fall Maiden, and the Stardust Crusader.

Izuku: So. . .

They all focused on me.

Izuku: Why do all this for me, why not just kill me?

I smirked, even though I had no cards to play, one of them pushed a button, was it an oversized rat?

Nezumi: Because you are a special case because you managed to destroy a 50-foot thick wall like it was made out of sand, because you allowed hoards of enemies to flood our borders, because of that, you are contained in the most heavily guarded facility we have to offer.

I smiled as she listed down all that I did, and was quite impressed with myself.

Izuku: Pretty bold of you to say that this is the most heavily guarded prison, are you saying it's more guarded than Tartarus?

I could see her expression, she was clearly intrigued.

Nezumi: Why yes, that is correct.

Izuku: And if I were to be left alone in a cell where you put one guard to keep tabs on me. . . .

Nezumi: You might do something unexpected or destroy this entire place with a rock you found on the floor.

Izuku: *Laughs* I think you're giving me too much credit since what you saw last time. . . . . . . Wasn't me.

Her eyebrows raised, realizing what I just said.

Nezumi: Uhh, come again?

Izuku: Hmm?

Nezumi: What you just said, could you repeat it?

Izuku: I didn't say anything.

I looked at her and my surroundings, they weren't too pleased with me mocking them.

Aizawa: He's mocking you Principal Nezumi.

I could see a tick mark growing on her head as she held the intercom.

Nezumi: *Sigh* You are getting on my nerves.

I smirked, which some of them noticed and gave me the stink eye while I just felt amused.

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