New Friends

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Izuku's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up excitedly and started getting ready. When I was done I went downstairs and ate breakfast. This morning I just ate peanut buttered toast before heading off. I grabbed my backpack and my skateboard to go to school. Once I arrived I slowly started walking towards the gate. I saw a tall woman in a sleek suit standing by the door. I assumed she was the principal and walked up to her. "Good morning! I'm Izuku Midoria and from my knowledge I would assume you're the principal Miss Cala." I greeted. "Yes, you are correct. May you follow me please. I will lead you to the student who will give you a tour. Her name is Lola Lukewarm." replied Miss Cala. I camly nodded. We then entered her office to see a girl with long blueish grey hair. She had ruby red eyes like Kacchan. She was wearing a black crop top and black mini skirt with something similar to fishnets. I introduced myself "Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you." bowing out of habit afterwards. The girl then introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Lola Lukewarm." She then started giving me the tour. 

It was now 12:24 and the bell would ring any second now. Lola showed me my schedule and where the classrooms are. On my schedule it also said lunch started at 12:25. Lola had offered me to come eat lunch with her and her friends. I agreed because there was no reason to decline her offer. When we arrived she started introducing me to her friends. "This is Zack Shooter, this is Iris Hellebore and this beautiful creature is my girlfriend Katerina Blaze. There is also another person in the group. His name is Kyle Fallan but he's late, as usual." Lola explained. "Nice to meet you all. I am Izuku Midoria." I said bowing. "Why are you bowing?" asked Zack. "Oh, it's because I'm from Japan and it's kind of a tradition." I answered. "Oh, okay." responded Zack. We started eating and having side conversations. I was almost done eating when I noticed the guy I saw the other day. He was walking over to our table. He sat down and remarked "Hey, you're the guy I met the other day who didn't have instagram right?" I just nodded. "Wait! You guys already met!" exclaimed Iris. "Ya." Replied the guy I presumed to be Kyle. Iris whispered something in his ear and he nodded. Iris squealed and went back to her seat next to Zack. The guy then spoke up "By the way, my name is Kyle Fallan.", clarifying my thoughts. "Hi, I am Izuku Midoria." I responded. The lunch bell then rang and we started getting up "Hey guys, wanna skip for the rest of the day?" asked Kyle. "Um, won't we get in trouble?" I questioned. "No chance of that happening. Trust me." stated Katerina. They then started walking away and I followed behind them hesitantly. 

We were walking into a forest and I just continued to follow them a little confused. Why would they go into the forest? A short cut maybe? Why else would they go into the forest? They were certainly not going to sit on a log and chat in the middle of a forest. Why would they even do that? I was brought back to reality when Kyle stated, "We're here." I looked up and started scanning the area with my eyes. I didn't see anything special so I asked, "We're where exactly?" "Our secret hangout!" Exclaimed Iris. She then started to uproot plants from the ground. When she was done, you could see a trap door. She then opened it and ushered us to go down. Iris was the last one to come down. The lighting was dim like those fancy restaurants with chandeliers. There were two couches and three bean bags in the room. There was also a coffee table and a tv with various gaming consoles. The floor was carpet which added to the chill vibe. There was also a fridge, a mini fridge and a pantry. There was a door at the other end of the room. The room's theme was pretty much khaki and grey. Lola spoke up, "This is our secret hangout where we chill! The door over there is the door to the bathroom. You can't take things from the fridge or pantry anytime you like. If you have any questions ask Kyle because I'm too lazy to answer." She then threw herself into one of the beanbags on the floor. "Wow. Thanks for making me the guide. I'm really happy about that." sarcastically put Kyle. Everyone laughed at Kyle's sarcasm. We all sat down and they started gossiping a little, mostly the girls though. I listened to what the girls were saying and started playing video games with the guys. The guys were in the middle of a game of mortal combat when I felt my phone buzz. I looked and it said "𝙳𝚊𝚍 𝚃𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞" I clicked on it and read what he sent me.

Dad: Are you going to be coming home for supper? I just wanted to know.

Me: Probably not. I'm hanging out with my new friends. 

Dad: Ok. I'll put the rest in the fridge if you're hungry when you come back. 

Me: Ok. Thanks dad. Love you.

I then put my phone back and watched the game of mortal kombat. When the game was finished, Kyle had K.O.ed Zack. We then took a break to eat. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was 9:07 P.M. I decided I should head home. "Hey guys. I'm going to head home. See you guys tomorrow." I stated  before climbing up the ladder. When I was out, I was about to close the trapdoor when I saw Kyle climbing up. "Oh, hi Kyle. You going home too?" I asked. "No. I was just wondering if I could maybe come and sleep at your house tonight. My parents don't like it when I stay too late so I told them I was staying at a friend's house. I didn't want to sleep in the secret hangout so is it okay with you?" Responded Kyle. "Why not sleep at Lola's, Zack's, Iris', or Katerina's house?" I replied confused. "Katerina is sleeping at Lola's and Iris is sleeping at Zack's." Answered Kyle. "Well in that case, sure. Follow me!" I exclaimed. Kyle followed me.

When we arrived at my house he exclaimed "Man, your house is big!" I responded with "I know." before walking in. I led him upstairs to the guest room closet to my room. "Is this your room?" He asked. "No, this is a guest room. Why'd you ask." I replied. "Oh, I thought I'd be sleeping in your room. That's all." Stated Kyle. "Well, if you want to, you can sleep in my room." I offered. He nodded and I led him to my room. "Do you need any clothes?" I asked. "Ya, I would appreciate that," he responded. I walked to my closet and got out a pijama that was too big for me.

(This is Kyle's pijama)

I tossed it to him and told him he could go change in the bathroom, I'd be changing in the closet

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I tossed it to him and told him he could go change in the bathroom, I'd be changing in the closet. I took one of my less revealing pajamas and started changing

(This is Izuku's pijama)

When I walked out Kyle was sleeping on the left side of the bed

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When I walked out Kyle was sleeping on the left side of the bed. I slipped into the covers on the right side and slowly fell asleep.

Hi, author here. Hope you like the story so far. I'm not that good but I try.

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