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Note 2.0: allow me to shag him pls I beg


Two weeks. That's how long Lottie had gone without running into Sirius Black. She skipped his lessons, although Theo and Alex managed to write her notes so that she didn't fail the class.

The full moon was coming quicker than Lottie wanted it to, and with only one day until it arrived, her mood had completely dropped.

She sat in the Great Hall, her head rested on Alexander's shoulder as she attempted to block out the noise. Every single clatter of cutlery, every single scrape against the plate and every single word a student said to their friend went straight to Lotties eardrums giving her a pounding headache.

"Lottie, I really think you should spend the day in bed." Theo said quietly. He had done a lot of research on werewolves, and he knew it wasn't going to be easier for Charlotte. "School isn't going to do you any good, not today or tomorrow."

"I'll be fine," Lottie said, determined to stay in lessons. She didn't enjoy them, yet she didn't want to seem weak, she wouldn't allow Fenrir's attack to ruin her life completely.


"Theo I'm fine!" She snapped, although when she realised she had gotten angry, Lottie felt extremely guilty. "I'm sorry.'"

"No worries," Theo smiled, he had read that the person would get snappier and angrier around the full moon time.

"I've got defence now - I'll see you later." Lottie gave the both of them the smallest of smiles, making her way out of the hall.

It was like the full moon was taking over her mind. As she made her way into DADA it felt like her whole body was just being dragged along by her legs, forcing her to keep going.

"Same seats as last year, please." Remus Lupin said to his class. He too, looked like he was suffering, but he seemed to be coping a lot better than his daughter.

He glanced towards his daughter who had her head resting on her hand, staring into space as she waited for the lesson to start. Her eyes were slightly red, as well as holding a look that suggested she was about to pass out any second. He couldn't even remember his first few transitions, just that they were horrific to deal with. Even now, almost thirty years later the man hadn't gotten used to the pain. He could hardly imagine the pain his daughter was feeling.

He had wanted to be with her on the moon, in fact he was desperate to be there with her, however she had already told Sprout she didn't want to and he had to respect her choice.

"Are you alright?" Whispered Lucas, who was sitting next to Lottie.

"Yeah," Charlotte replied quietly. She watched as her dad started his lesson, she wasn't really paying attention to half of what he was saying - in fact she could barely focus on anything.

Remus noticed this.

He started the class on a task and made his way over to Charlotte.

"Lottie," he said quietly, making sure the class couldn't hear him as everyone talked to their friends.

Glancing up, she looked at her father lazily.

"You have been excused from this lesson," Remus said.

"I don't-"

"Charlotte," he said sternly, "you do."

Charlotte let out a sigh and she didn't really know if it was of relief, or if it was of annoyance that she couldn't even get through a day without the wolf stopping her.

"Thank you," she muttered, standing up from her seat.

"Go and rest," he advised, turning back to his class.


Lottie made her way down the corridor, eager to go back to her dorm and rest. She was completely zoned out, which was probably the reason why she walked straight into Sirius Black.

"Oh! Godric - sorry Charlotte!" Sirius gasped, he was too busy thinking about a bet he and James had made about two sixth years to even look where he was going.

"It's fine, sorry." Charlotte muttered, stepping away from him.

"Wait!" Sirius said hurriedly, barely thinking about what he was doing. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Lottie asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well erm...you know I'm mates with your dad and uh...I didn't really help you?" He rambled.

"Right," Charlotte had no idea what to say at his half-assed apology.

"That came out wrong," Sirius said breathlessly. "I'm sorry for not being there for you during your childhood a-and as your godfather-"

"James is my godfather," she cut him off, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah well that was a whole debate when you were born and I still think I should've been picked." Sirius said with a cocky smirk.

"Really?" Charlotte asked in disbelief. James was definitely the better one by a long shot.

"Yes! Of course I should've!"

Charlotte had to stop herself from laughing at the irony. James had been there for her the second he met her. He didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to and he respected her opinion. He acted like an actual adult in the situation he was put in, and he actually tried to build a bond with her.

Sirius on the other hand, he had done even little than Remus and that was definitely saying something.

"Anyway," Sirius said as if it was the most casual thing in the world for them to have a conversation. "How are you doing, with the full moon and everything?"

Charlotte seemed to snap a little. Everything was confusing her. First James (which she was now used to) then Harry, and now Sirius. Why were they all being so nice so randomly?

"It's all going fine," she replied, tapping her foot on the floor as she avoided eye contact with him.

She didn't like awkward conversations.

She also missed her bed.

"Well if you need anything, I'll always be here!" Sirius said happily.

Only nine years too late.

"Thanks..." Lottie mumbled. "Er I better be going now..."

"Got it!" Sirius grinned happily. "See you later - or if not have a good moon!"

A good moon? He must be delusional.

Charlotte turned on her heel, dragging herself back to the Hufflepuff common room so that she could finally get some very much needed rest.


This chap was meant to be a full moon chapter but I wanted some Lottie and Sirius talk so yeah

Qotd: pineapple on pizza yay or no

I don't like pizza so I cant acc answer that but oh well

Tysm for 218k!!

Word count: 1183

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