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Lottie, Theo and Alex all stood in the Hufflepuff common room with grins on their faces.

It was around three in the morning, and they had big plans for the night, starting off with going to the kitchens to get snacks.

"Are you both ready?" Asked Theo, pulling on a black hoodie.

"Yep!" Alexander and Charlotte said in unison, both of them dressed up nice and warm. It was nearing the end of February, meaning it was still freezing, especially at night.

"Come on then!"

The three quietly made their way to the kitchens. It wasn't much of a distance considering they were so close to the Hufflepuff common room, one of Lotties favourite things about being a Hufflepuff.

Alex tickled the pear and the door swung open, allowing the three of them into the kitchens. They all strolled in excitedly, all desperate to get the boring part of the night over and done with.

They were all quite surprised to see that they weren't the only ones there.

Harry Potter and Lucas Black were sitting at one of the tables eating chocolate cake neither of them realising that the trio were in there.

"Cake at three in the morning?" Whispered Alexander, his voice holding nothing but pure shock.

"We literally came in here to get food," Theo rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up, I want chocolate." Lottie said.

Before anyone could say anything else, a house elf popped into view.

"Masters and mistress! I is Chip! How can Chip help masters and mistress?" The house elf squeaked.

"Hey Chip," Charlotte smiled, crouching down slightly. "You can call me Lottie. Please could we have some chocolate bars and a cherry tart?"

"Yes Mistress Lottie, right away Mistress Lottie!" Chip disappeared back into the kitchens.

"I still think you're weird, how can you not like chocolate?" Charlotte said to Theo, shaking her head.

"Cherry tart is better than chocolate by a long shot." Theo stated.


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