14. the resolve

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Going to work that morning had been filled with polite talk. Chastity had ended up enjoying listening to Baba Ivy talk about his new venture in the construction business. Ivy hadn't been that attentive and because Chastity believed heavily in having those older than you speak at all times, she had numerous follow up questions.

He'd dropped them off at their office building and requested they come again, preferably that evening with all their possessions. Chastity had laughed and Ivy had pulled her away, waving her father off and promising to call after work.

"I forget how cool your family can be sometimes," she said as she followed after Ivy.

Ivy said nothing and they parted ways, Chastity wondering if she'd done anything wrong again. The previous night had not been that littered with wrong things. So what if she'd carried her trustee dildo to Ivy's house? So what if she'd ended up seeing it, feeling it and touching it? It was normal. Those were normal things! Chastity was not going to be shamed for having a sex drive and much more for implying they could do more... if she wanted to, that is.

At eleven am, as she went to the office kitchen to top up her tea, she found a sharply dressed Brent mumbling something to himself, cursing out as he splashed some hot tea on to his hand.

"Seems like someone's having a tough first day at work," Chastity chided as she poured herself a cup. "Something wrong?"

Brent looked at her, his eyes melting away from anger and settling in slight embarrassment. "Nothing," he said with a smile, trying to dub as much hot tea off of him as he possibly could. "Long weekend."

"That sounds like something I want to hear about. Lunch?"

He smiled. "Maybe not today. Tomorrow?" Chastity nodded then he left the kitchen as Ivy walked right in.

Chastity had never really had the proper appreciation for pencil skirts. They had never really looked good on her so she did not see the reason to start salivating after them but, on Ivy? They looked positively nefarious. As though being tall was not enough, mother-nature had rewarded her with curves that could fill pencil skirts in a way only poets and sculptures can capture magically.

"What?" Ivy asked, pulling Chastity away from the clutches of gawking. "Do I have something on me?" She looked down at her skirt, turning to see if she had anything on her.

"Nothing. You just fill that skirt well."

Chastity had been on a roll. She was saying things that were meant to only be in her mind. She was also saying those things in a tone that more than likely suggested a trip to the HR's office while at work. And she knew Ivy understood her meaning perfectly yet she didn't feel any kind of embarrassment. Actually, she wanted her innuendo to hang on out there. Let it sizzle.

Ivy's eyes had fallen dark just like the previous night. Just like the previous night too, Chastity bubbled in a new kind of turned on. "You cannot say things like that at work," Ivy finally said, turning away from her.

She shrugged, playing for innocence. "I was making an astute observation, Miss Ototi. I am sorry for offending."

Ivy snorted, filled her cup and before leaving she said, "My place after work?"

Chastity felt her eyebrows pop up. What in the blessing was she hearing? "Sure," she said, smiling at her friend and watching her go.


Ivy's flat was better decorated that Chastity's. It had plants everywhere and a colour scheme of black and green unlike Chastity's that had any colour she'd found. Because Ivy stopped believing in a thing called telly, she'd gotten herself a projector which she'd sworn was way cheaper than the wasteful box. Plus it just made everything so damn aesthetic. Chastity had never argued with the logic.

Her flat also always smelled like strawberry cookies even though Ivy didn't know a thing about baking. It had become one of the mysteries of her flat, the scent.

It was seven pm and Chastity had made herself comfortable on the couch, scrolling through Netflix, looking for something to get lost in. There was everything and nothing all at once. Ivy had been cursing merrily in the kitchen, the high piercing clangs of sufurias renting the air.

"I give up," she said, coming to the sitting room, hands akimbo as she looked at Chastity. "Let's go out for food. Sarit has courts." She went to her bedroom, rushing back with a thin cardigan on. "Get up!" She rushed to the door, pointing out and Chastity begrudgingly following after.

Unlike her friend, Chastity deplored going to malls – especially Sarit. Not because it was a mall but because it was a mall. Money that had no business being spent was going to be spent. They were for sure going to waste time at Miniso and they were going to leave with bags they didn't need. Maybe they'd pass through a liquor store and grab a bottle or two of wine and some sweets. By the time they managed out of the maze, it would be twelve and they would be the poorer for it.

Westlands was always a flurry at night. Being one of the major restaurant and club spots in Nairobi, it never slept – even on Monday. It also sparkled in that way that enticed people into things they really didn't need.

It was hell for bank accounts.

They hadn't even made it half way to the mall when Ivy stopped them and pointed at a Café she was sure had not been there before. It was pretty. Chastity could already tell the food was going to be shit.

It was a buzz with people and they luckily hadn't needed to wait for an empty table. They were sat right at a cosy corner and handed menus Chastity thought were a bit too pretentious.

"It's exciting, yeah?" Ivy was practically vibrating on her seat. Chastity couldn't help but smile. "New place, good food, nice service."

"Instagrammable," Chastity supplied.

"That too, yes."

Soon they'd ordered their food and surprisingly enough, it hadn't been shit. It was surprising. Most aesthetic cafés tended to make mediocre food. It was as though they thought making a place pretty would more than make up for horrendous food.

The evening had gone in a blur and asked to describe it, Chastity would have hands down said it was a kind of date. It hadn't felt like the usual way when they would go to some place like Dominos or KFC and snot through the whole experience. That one had felt different – intimate in all the ways that mattered.

By the time they'd left, Chastity had made up her mind. She was going to ask Ivy if they could try it – the whole sex thing. Maybe even throw the relationship aspect in but not to be too serious about it; just in case. It didn't make any sense, the obvious frustration between them not being handled properly. She was of the opinion that they could handle it and that they would handle it and nothing was going to change. They had been friends for so long, adding sex into the mix would only make it stronger.

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