10. morning pill and regrets

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It was sometime after noon when Ivy came to terms with everything that had happened the previous night. It had been a good night. A spectacular night. One that had possibilities and enjoyment. Then she'd gone on and freaked out about probably having sex again with Chastity and then she'd bolted.

The scene was going to take a special place in her anxiety ridden nights.

She didn't disagree with what she had concluded on the siting room floor. She really did not want to be her best friend's booty call then wait for her to ignore or run away from her all week. It was going to be a taxing thing on both of them.

Ivy being characteristically clingy and Chastity being characteristically missing.

That was the fundamental thing that made Chastity who she was. At one point, she had thought she was going to settle down with a good person, probably talk about children as they drew the map of their shared future. Then everything mysteriously changed in their final year of uni and she simply stopped with the whole relationship thing. Instead she hit and quit. As far as Ivy knew, Chastity had never been in any kind of relationship since.

Ivy poured herself coffee and tried to get lost in some work. By three, she conceded to hopelessness. Despite having gone through numerous documents, she couldn't really tell what she was doing and so she gave up and switched on her lazy mode. She tried to catch up on the telly episodes she was behind on but that too was hopeless.

She sighed. If everything had gone on smoothly, she would have probably been with Chastity at Blankets and Wine, most likely cursing her out for making her leave her coat behind and having both of them shiver for the fashion.

Maybe they would have been drunk and maybe, because that was Chastity's superpower, she would have been vibing somewhere with one of the music acts. Ivy would have been doused in jealousy but it was a feeling she had come to be accustomed with so she would not have done anything save look and wish.

She needed to apologize, have everything come back to normal; not that it ever could happen. Normal had gone out the window the first time they'd had sex. Everything about their dynamic had gone off since that day and no matter how hard Ivy tried, Chastity had been hell bent on making the situation harder.

By supper, Ivy had formulated a get-back-to-normal plan. It mostly involved getting lost in Sarit and buying things neither of them needed. Maybe throw in a trip back to her parents' house so that they could jump about their small garden, laughing at just how old they'd gotten. Look through their photos from when they were young and reminisce the time when the biggest problem they had was homework.

They were going to go back to normal whether they liked it or not. It was the only acceptable place both of them needed to be at.


Ordinarily, Chastity would have been annoyed about any wasted tickets. That was an adventure right there and it was gone, never to be recovered. Granted, she could just show up at the place the following day but her heart had been so set on being with Ivy there was no point in doing it anymore.

An Ivy who had disappeared and hadn't returned any of her calls or answered any of her messages.

She had been in the same spot for most of the day; her bed. It was a lazy day and she had a fabulous bed. She had confessed way too much on Whisper and ignored all the messages that zoomed in with all of her confessions. She didn't want to explain anything to anyone and see them come to the conclusion that she was the asshole in the situation.

Her phone buzzed and out of habit, she looked.

She sat up quickly and tried to right her scarf. She even straightened her pyjama shirt as though anyone could see her then opened her phone. It had been a simple message from Ivy.

Want to go home home with me? 😊

Chastity could not help but smile at the text. At that moment, she could do anything just to have her best friend back and so she told her she did in fact crave some good mangoes and they made the plan for the next day.

What was sex anyway in the bond called friendship?

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