Not a days break

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Quick note..

This is my first fan fiction.. I just need to get all these idea's out of my head

Also sorry for any spelling mistakes:D

Enjoy -Katie x


Chapter 1- Not a days break

Valkyrie's Pov


Light flooded into my eyes as i woke from a broken sleep. Last nights, nightmares had been particularly distressing. I felt good about having the day off for once, Although i already missed Skulduggery's witty remarks on how bad i looked in the morning. I haden't spent time with my parents or little Alice for at least three months. The thought of it made me feel bad, however today it was going to change i was going to spend the day with them... Living as Stephenie Edgley.

General Pov


Valkyrie's father sat at the breakfast bar with the common look of confusion on his face. This made Valkyrie giggle slightly, she missed all the normality sometimes... Well if you could call her family normal. Her mother stood with Alicia in her arms on the other side of the Kitchen, She was looking tierd and annoyed. Valkyrie knew instantly that her father had said somethinghad caused the annoyed expression on her mum face.

"Desmond, I need your help.. Don't just sit there looking confused... Quick get Alice! DESMOND!" Valkyrie's mother was now getting flustered as her husband continued to stare into his cornflakes.

"Mum i'll grab her!" Valkyrie proposed.

"Morning Sweetie, I'm so sorry i need to get ready. Were going out for a walk today! Care to join us since it dosn't look like your Fathers going to move any time soon." Her mother explained. And with that a shout came from across the room

"Im moving! Im moving!" Desmond shouted slightly to proud to keep any dignity he may still have.

Valkyrie nodded to show she agree'ed and took Alice of her mothers hands. She watched her walk up the stairs following her farther. Smiling to herself she looked down at her baby sister

"Who's a cutey?.. Who is? Yes you are.. And who sounding very dim witted? That would be me." Valkyrie giggled to herself as Alice gurgled. Valkyrie began to rock Alice gently from side to side as she sang a lullaby.

Just as there mother walked down the stairs Valkyrie had gotten Alice to sleep. This pleased her mother.

"Awww sweetie... Why don't i have that skill?!" Her mother said smiling warmly

"Well i guess.. I'm just to special." Valkyrie laughed gently and her Mum joined in.




The park was abnormally quite for a Saturday afternoon, Valkyrie didn't take much notice as she was enjoying her time being a normal teenager. A warm breeze swept through the tree's making it rain with leafs. It look so beautiful. Something that Valkyrie missed.. A lot.

Something caught Valkyries eye and she stopped to look leaving her mother to carry on walking. As Valkyrie turned to see where her Mother was, a blinding pain flashed over her head as she hit the floor.

Looking around in confused she was kicked again this time in the ribs. Knocking all the wind out of her. Whoever this was they were quick.


Valkyrie's Pov


I pulled myself to my feet still with my hands on my jaw as i see something move to my left. I knew i had no chance of winning this without magic so i sprinted for the first quite place i saw. I hadden't ran like this for a while as the training had become a little slack since Tanith had been possessed. Skulduggery was good at the elemental and material arts however things like running and muscle strenght he wasn't much good for.

My legs were burning fiercelynow, threatening to give up me as i neared the cut off alleyway. Gasping for air i turned to look behind my back to find nothing. Air floods into my lungs as i back up to the nearest wall pulling out my phone out of my pocket. Before i could dial Skulduggery's number i hit the floor once again with my phone flying out of my hand.

I looked up to see someone rolling away from me. Landing gracefully on there feet as i stumbled to mine. My head was pounding and my ribs were painful. I searched for my phone glancing back at the figure stood in front of me. 'Who could it be' i thought to myself. There face was covered by shadows and i wouldn't dare to move them away until i knew who it was.

Then it came... a strong Texan accent "Ah we meet again, Miss Cain." They said... Billy-Ray Sanguine said. My heart dropped looking for the one other person i knew would be with him. Tanith. When i couldn't see her i looked back at him. He had a slimy smile on his face which i would of taken pleasure of wiping it off with a baseball bat. All i did was glare at him. This made him break out into a slight laugh which sickened me. "Darl'in why the glare? Not witty remarks? No skeleton detecive? Is it true what everyone's been saying?" He chuckled. I didn't want to talk to him. I just wanted to be with my family. With Skulduggery. Or even with Fletcher. I didn't mind just not here, not with him.' What was everyone saying.' I thought to myself curiosity growing inside me

"Depends what people have been saying." I said harshly.

"Oh Darl'in, is so obvious." He chuckled again sending shivers down my spine. What could he mean?!

"I don't know what your talking about!." 

"Oh yes you do, Anyway chit chat wasn't why i came here. I have a personal job to do."

He moved closer brushing up against me. I stepped back trying to turn my face away from him, but he grabbed my  chin forcing me to look at him in the eyes. For a split second i though he was going to kiss me.. But no. He moved his arm quickly taking me a few seconds to realised what he had done. I doubled over in pain as warm blood trickled down my stomach and then the next strike came. Across the back of my neck. Again i took my body a few seconds to react. I hit the floor one hand clutching my stomach the other the bad of my neck. Then i herd a small laugh and the crumbling of rock. I was left alone.

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