Chapter Seven

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Lake started hanging out with Benji and Lucy more often. They were a fun pair. They had a lot of history together, so they were always cracking jokes and teasing each other. It would have been easy for Lake to feel distant or out of place, but Lucy always made Lake feel included. Benji was also nice to her. Lake was enjoying spending more time with Benji. They didn't get to hang out a lot before. She toned down her flirting with Benji a little, because she thought it would be weird with her dating his best friend. She didn't stop flirting with Benji all together-because seriously, it's Benji-but, she just toned it down a little.

"So, Benji," Lake said. "I think you should seriously consider doing a striptease at your next gig."

It was lunch, and Benji was talking to them about his previous gig the other night.

Benji laughed. "Not sure the mechanics of it considering I'll be holding a guitar, but we'll see."

"Great, I'll be waiting."

"Love knowing my girlfriend wants to get my best friend naked more than me," Lucy replied sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I want to get you naked too." Lake winked at her.

Lake noticed Benji's face shift and his demeanor darken. She subtly turned around to see Victor walking by with Felix. "Are you still upset about Victor?" Lake asked

Benji exchanged a glance with Lucy. "How much do you know?"

"I just know that you guys broke up after the wedding."

Benji sighed, "So Victor and I had been having problems, and, he broke my trust, so I wanted to take a break. Then his mom came up to me at work and apologized for how she treated me, and told me to give Victor another chance. So, I did. I went to the wedding to find Victor and Rahim slow dancing. I don't know, I just couldn't stand it so I left. Later that night Victor came over to talk. I was already feeling terrible, and I wanted to be alone, but I heard him out. He apologized and I might have been a bit too rude about the whole thing. Anyway, I broke up with him."

"Oh, wow," Lake replied. "I didn't know all that. How did Victor break you trust?"

"It-it doesn't matter," Benji stammers. "He just told someone a secret he shouldn't have."

Lake could tell Benji was still very hurt and emotional about the topic, so she decided to drop it.

"Hey, so when's your guys' next gig? I want to know so I can prepare to watch Lake thirst after you the whole day," Lucy said, trying to lighten the mood.

Benji faked a laugh, "I don't know. I'll have to consult my band."

Later that day, Lake and Lucy were hanging out at a coffee shop, doing homework. It was an unofficial date. Lake didn't want to call it a date becuase she wanted to do something special for their first date.

Lake looked up from her notebook to look at Lucy, "Do you want to go on a date soon?"

"How soon is soon?" Lucy asked.

"This weekend?"

"So in the next two days?"

"Yeah, are you free?"

"I don't know, I have to study for that big government test on Monday," Lucy replied sarcastically.

"Cool, so you're free," Lake replied excitedly.

"My weekend is wide open."

"Great, how about I pick you up on Saturday at seven?"

"That sounds perfect," Lucy smiled. "Where are we going?"

"Um, I don't know yet? What do you like doing?"

"Well, I like going to concerts, but there are none in Atlanta now. I like abstract art, and photography."

"Oh," Lake replied. She didn't know how to plan a date with that information. If anything it was just freaking her out by how different their interests are.

"What about you?" Lucy asked.

"Um," Lake laughed awkwardly. "I like a lot of the same stuff. Like-um-art. I love art, and I like doing to parties, which are kind of like concerts." Lake is saved by her phone ringing. She looked at the called id and it was Mia. "Holy shit," Lake exclaimed. She looked over to Lucy. "I'm sorry, this is Mia. I have to take this."

Lake walked outside the coffee shop to answer the phone, "Mia! Hi!"

"Lake, hi," Mia replied. "I got your multiple messages. Um... I'm sorry I've been distant. Stuff with my mom has been crazy. I can tell you about it when I get back."

"When are you getting back?"

"Probably next week," Mia replied. "I really am sorry for ignoring you, and for ignoring you during the summer. You're right it was a dick move. I think I just don't know what to do when people give me surprising news, and I handle it by cutting off everyone in my life and being by myself."

"It fine Mia, I forgive you. I just really wanted to talk to you the past few days. A lot of stuff has happened."

"Yeah, I was about to say; you're bi? Congradulations!"

"Yeah, thanks," Lake replied.

"How'd you figure it out?"

"It kind of just sprang on me. I'm also dating Lucy now."

"Wait, really? I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you," Lake replied. "I just have one problem. We're so different. I'm trying to plan a date but we have no common interests."

"Lake, don't freak out," Mia replied. "It's good for couples to differ on a couple of things. Like Andrew like Marvel movies, and I don't understand them. Just be honest with Lucy, and don't do that thing you do where you pretend to have similar interests so the person will like you."

Lake paused, "I don't do that."

"Sure Lake," Mia replied. "Just be yourself. Take Lucy somewhere you think you both will have fun at, and that's it."

"Easier said than done," Lake mumbled.

"I have faith in you," Mia replied. "Look, I have to go, but I promise I'll call you later."

"Yes, please. I can't go almost another week without talking," Lake replied."

"Great, bye," Mia replied and hung up.

Lake smiled, and look back at Lucy. She needed to think of a fun date for them. She just didn't know what.

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