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  DINNER WAS FAST, everyone anxious to finish so that they could return to their assigned mission. Asteria and Ciri lingered after the meal was over, as did most of the others, pouring over their list once more and going over their plans. Rhys and Dominic hadn't shown up, probably still outside the Palace. Io joined them, glancing down at the list, abandoning Myrina, who clearly wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"That's a lot of names," she pointed out, mouth widening. "Sure you could handle this?"

"We have our ways." Asteria grinned.

Ciri explained. "We're using some of the Kuroki girls, of course. No way the two of us could befriend everyone here without causing some suspicion."

Io's mouth turned into an 'o'. "That's very smart," she said admiringly. "They might as well make themselves useful. Natasha and Natalie sit in the palace all day reading about policies and law. They're driving me half mad."

"At least they have something to be passionate about," Ciri shrugged. "But yes. Their interest in law could provide a cover for them approaching a few of the officials. We'll ask them to do that tomorrow."

"Banquet's tomorrow," Io pointed out. "Good opportunity then."

Asteria nodded, then looked peeved. "Shouldn't you be helping Myrina?"

"Not until Rhys and Dominic come back. They're bringing some records back for us to check." Io shrugged. "And Myrina has some family stuff to deal with."

Ciri glanced at her. "Can't Irina help?"

"Myrina needs a permanent solution. A princess standing behind her is only going to cow her uncles for so long. They're not going to let her keep the title without a fight."

Ciri frowned. "But how? The title was hers, rightfully. Her father didn't name anyone else his heir. Just because Myrina was halfway through becoming a priestess when he died, or has a younger brother doesn't mean anything. She wouldn't be the first daughter to inherit a title."

Io leaned forward, as if imparting a grave secret. "The uncles claim the father wrote a letter naming one of them his heir instead of Myrina or her brother. Irina's trying to stop them from forging something."

Asteria scowled. "Bastards. Can't Ruge help?"

Irina stole a glance at the countess and the Crown Prince, standing in separate corners of the room, both alone. "I'll be honest. They're not very fond of each other."

Ciri nodded. "Ruge thinks her a coward and Myrina just... doesn't like him. The way she dislikes most people, or at least wouldn't let them get close. If Irina asks, he'll help, but Myrina has her pride."

"Imagine how easy life would be if no one had pride," Asteria mused, stacking the papers together and straightening her back.

Ciri eyed her. "Coming from you, the Countess of Pride."

"Being icy, darling, is not being prideful." Asteria flashed a winning grin. "They call me the Countess of Ice. They're not wrong."

"Not something to be proud of," Io snorted. "No one likes an ice queen."

"No," Asteria smirked. "They love an ice queen. I'm considered an icon, did you know that? Apparently, there's an international band of young debutantes out there who look to emulate me."

"I pity the world when they're unleashed upon us all," Ciri snorted. "The Army of Asteria Lu. I'm positively shaking with terror. I can barely handle one of you, what are we going to do with more?"

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