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  THE OUTER WALLS of Fu Jin Palace were red, matching much of the rest of the Palace. Laurence was studying it and being obvious about it, occasionally muttering questions to Dominic, who answered. The top of the wall was gold tiled, with emerald green borders. The dark brown wooden doors of the Palace were shut. Dominic waved his hand, and a gush of strong wind blew them open. Rhys muttered something under her breath. It was probably 'show off'.

The doors led to a big stone courtyard, with corridors at all four sides that led to the back of the Palace. But Dominic led them down the stone steps instead, crossing the courtyard to reach the dark red central building. Pillars held up the roof above a front porch, where a young maid was waiting, head bowed. Dark green windows were on every wall. The maid pushed open the folding doors, murmuring, "The Prince and Princess are inside, my lords and ladies."

Dominic nodded and the maid vanished inside, leading them into the receiving room. Princess Longyu with her silky, long black hair up in the traditional courtly fashion, wrapped around a stick that caused it to extend out on either side, decorated by light blue flowers and jewels that complimented her darker blue robe, sat on a xi. On the other side of the seating area was Prince Ruge, dressed in a yellow robe. His hair hadn't been let long in the traditional way, instead cut short. He raised a brow as the eight dropped into curtsies and bows.

Lady Kuroki, being the oldest, spoke for all of them. "Fu ren can jian tai zi, can jian Huancheng gege." This lady pays her respects to the Crown Prince and Princess Longyu. The courtesy words one must say every time.

Prince Ruge was quick to respond. "Mian li, qing zhan." Ignore the courtesies, please stand. All eight made their way up. Ciri was right to not worry about Laurence. He did perfectly well.

The princess remained quiet for a moment, studying all of them with her shrewd eyes. "Please. Sit." She spoke Arecian, unmarred by any foreign accent. She spoke like a native. "It has been a long journey. Myrina, would you mind asking the maids to serve our guests some tea?"

Myrina, Countess of Li Han, bobbed and murmured something in response. She'd always been a quiet girl of few words, who mostly kept to herself. Ciri considered her a friend, but the two rarely conversed. The princess's senior lady-in-waiting.

"Our guest speaks Saian, cousin. We will be fine in that language." Ruge spoke dryly, inspecting them. He said the next words in Saian, "We are happy to receive you, Viscount Archsham. And it is wonderful to see all of you here. Even our Hua xian sheng." He did not look at the man being held down by two guards, merely motioned at him with his hands. "We seem to have a lot to discuss. Please, as I said, ignore the common courtesies. We're among friends here. Guards, do you mind taking the prisoner away to somewhere else? Perhaps give him a bit of food, but do watch over him."

Asteria was the one who replied. "We're hoping to capture the mole in our government. The Arecian capture of Norman Hightower offers us that chance. However, we'd require assistance."

"I assume you mean the Iron Wolves," Longyu said. "You will have their assistance. We'll have the officials aid you in any way we can."

"We appreciate the assistance, Your Highness." The words were courteous, polite. Among them all, Asteria was the highest ranking, and the easiest around the two. While Danna and Io were both friends to the Prince and Princess, only Asteria could truly be considered a member of Princess Longyu's Court of Herons, her inner group of friends and confidantes.

"How difficult do you expect this to be?"

Lady Kuroki shrugged. "Depends. If we just want to scare the spy off packing? Rather easy. If you wish to capture them, that's another story."

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