The begining

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"Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic. No wi-fi. No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, you're about to meet me. But first this happened."

In auradon, beasts castle

Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha!

KB(king beast)How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby!

BE (belle)He's turning 16, dear.

B (ben) Hey, pops.

KB 16? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42.

BE Uh, you decided to marry me at 28.

Ah, it was either you or a teapot. Belle glares* Kidding.

B (Ben) Mom, dad... (Ben tries to step to his parents)

Tailor:Ah! Nn-nnh!

B I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon. Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned.

KB The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?

B We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them.

KB Have you?

Be I gave you a second chance. Who are their parents?

B Cruella De Vil... Jafar... Evil Queen... hades and Maleficent. (Gaspppp:() author ✍️🤗)

KB Maleficent! Hades! They are the worst villains in the land!

B Dad, just hear me out here!

KB: I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.

B Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? 

B ...Dad?

KB I suppose their children are innocent.
Be Well, well done. Shall we?

On the isle

In hades caves

HA: (hades) Hey blue We're going to go visit maleficent and the rest (Blue is his nickname for Hadley)

"Why you always say that they're fake people posing as big and bad villains why would you want to go visit them you hate them"

H: Blue please don't give me a hard time we just need to talk to them about something it's like a surprise you can bring hellfire with you

"Fine let me go get him"

Hadley's POV
why would he want to go see those posers. I don't mind seeing Carlos,Jay, E but still.

"hellfire" through mind link

"yes had"

" come on we're going to go see the gang"


Also yes Carlos is scared of hellfire so he's not around hellfire that much but hellfire is also not a regular dog so he should be scared (this is hellfire by the way)

Also yes Carlos is scared of hellfire so he's not around hellfire that much but hellfire is also not a regular dog so he should be scared (this is hellfire by the way)

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He can't grow tho he is like a forever pup

Tell me how you like this chapter and how are you like the people I picked to be Hadley now right now I already have this entire thing planned out but I could add more people so they could end up being with the gang a.k.a. Mal Carlos Jay and evie
Your decision

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