First Day in Gotham.

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. . . Marinette POV . . .

We finally landed in Gotham. My muscles are sore from sitting for so long. It is about one in the morning here in Gotham. More like first night in Gotham. Since we were in first class, we unburden first. I suppose the silence couldn't last long. We patiently waited for my class to unboard the plane. I knew they were close when I could once more hear Lila screaching.

Tim left the class while Jason brought up the rear, making sure everyone is safe. I walked next to Tim, to baggage claim. Lila is trying to find a way to leave me behind. Shame for her that I have people that care about me again. I accepted Bruce's offer to let me stay at the Manor. Otherwise, Bruce renovated a building next to the school into dorm rooms for high school students. It is basically like an orphanage for kids going to school that dont want to be adopted.

It is going to take everything those kids have to not murder Lila. Dick went there and warned them about Lila, they are all in on our plan to sue her and gather more lawsuits for thease two months. We will get it on camera, me warning her of the dangers of lieing. That way she cant claim she didnt know the consequences.

It didnt take long for the class to run to the bus attempting to leave me behind, lost in the crowd. I was standing next to Tim, the person leading us threw the airport. They are going to be lucky if they dont get lost. Jason had ran after them since he is security for this trip.

Now that I look the crowd is really dense. Not to mention the fact that I'm short. Life ain't fair. I grabbed Tim's hand. I felt myself turning pink. I looked up at him "Can you lead the way? I'm to short I'll lose you in the crowd." He smiled down at me lacing our fingers together. Then I was being dragged threw the crowd. I was jogging to keep up with him. So not fracking fair. I'm done with life.

I say that way to much. I mean it's true, I'm done with life, like completely but for whatever reason I'm still alive. Focus Marinette stay in the moment ignore the black hole that you've been hiding in. You dont want to hide forever. You dont want to be numb for ever.

We reached the bus and the driver looked completely done. I mean I'm already done with life, but with Lila around I'm even more done with life. We boarded the bus and the driver floored it wanting to be done with my class. Honestly I completely understand. We arrived at the dorms surprisingly fast.

I smiled brightly at the bus driver thanking him for driving us. I hopped down off the bus only to be pushed by Kim making me fall to the dirty sidewalk. I picked myself up while my class laughed. The boys had gone to check the class in. I felt myself recead into myself. Falling into the pit of shadows, I put on my smile and walked in feeling numb. Why do I do this to myself? Why act like I'm happy? When I feel so numb. This is why I say I'm dead inside. It is because I cant feel anything.

Calmly I walked into the building to stand next to the boys. It didnt take long to get them checked into the rooms they'd be staying in. Two to a dorm. I watched as they handed out the keys to their rooms. Before they walked away Lila loudly stated "oh look Marinette doesn't have a room." The rest of the class laughed as they went to their rooms.

Somewhere inside of me I felt that, just not when I'm this numb. I noticed Tim's concerned face first. Then Jason's. Tim gently took my hand to lead me back outside. Alfred was waiting for us in a nice black car. Jason opened the door for us and I climbed in then Tim after me. He shut the door as Jason got in on the other side. I greeted Alfred with as much happiness as I could muster, it must not have been much. The boys were still concerned. I rested my head on Tim's shoulder. I have the need to cry but I cant. I can feel myself crying out on the inside, but I'm smiling on the outside.

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