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. . . Marinette POV . . .

All I know is that two representatives from Wayne enterprise are coming to my school today to announce that we are the winning class. That and to help prepare us for the city of crime.

. . . Monday . . .

I still hate Mondays. Actually, I hate every day. Oh well. I'm alive to protect the Kwamii, suck it up Marinette you are living. If I have to live today, then I'm going to grace this world with my presence. To school I go. With two travel sized mugs of coffee that each hold a pot of the bitter liquid.

At this point I can graduate high school. I'm still going to tire out my mind though. I'm still no closer to finding out who Hawkmoth is. What the hell am I supposed to do? Who the fuck is he? The only suspect I have is Gabriel Agreste, and he got akumatised. I asked the Kwamii if he could akumatise himself, and they do not know. Sure, I could stalk him. That would take alot of effort though because of all of the security that mansion has. Ask Adrein. Are you kidding me. I'd rather die. I already want to die but that's not the point.

Arriving in the classroom I went to my seat. To stop my current train of thought, I started with more online course work. I brought Trixx with me. She will hide my laptop from my class. I worked till I heard Lila's screeching. I'm so done with life. You're lucky, alright, Tikki. You are the only reason I'm still here.

They all entered the class room shooting glares at me. I wonder why Lila didn't tell them something yet? I rather not dwell on it actually. Atleast today she has something different planned. Miss B was late as usual, before she could arrive a two boys entered the room. One was probably 19, the other was my age. They both had blue eyes and black hair. The older one had white streaks in his hair as well.

The younger one spoke "Is there a Marinette Dupain-Cheng in this class?" I rose my hand and said "That would be me." He nodded his head before asking "Where is your teacher?" I snorted "Late as usual." I replied. The class shot more glares at me "Marinette that was rude." Rose shot at me. I just rolled my eyes. "It is a Monday so she will probably be here in another 15 minutes. I'm class president though. I can leave a message for her if you'd like?" I said to them.

The older one spoke this time. "Not necessary. We can wait for her. In the meantime congrats that you won the trip to Gotham. We are the representatives sent here. My name is Jason Todd and this is Timothy Drake. I'm in charge of security and Tim will inform you about other stuff." I nodded my head to tired to be shocked. I sat back down and continued drinking my coffee.

Lila started to through a fit. She wanted to be the center of attention. "Guys why don't we introduce ourselves?" The class nodded at that and started introducing themselves. They skipped me not like I cared.  Lila went last. She shed a few crocadile tears. "I'm Lila Rossi. I was the one who wrote the essay for the competition, but Marinette stole it." The boys didn't know what to do with this over dramatic girl. Whose tears were clearly fake as she was smirking at me.

The class completely fell for it though. I let out a long sigh as I blocked out the hateful comments that followed Lila's accusation. Then I chugged the rest of my first mug of coffee. That was gone to quickly. I started on my second one. Jason and Tim were just confused. As they should be, that was when Miss B arrived and sent me straight to the principal's office for disrupting her class.

I let out another big sigh before collecting my things. I skillfully dodged the feet that tried to trip me. I stopped next to Tim and Jason. "Welcome to Paris." I said to them, while noticing that Tim was holding coffee. Liquid life. My precious, liquid life. "How many shots of espresso are in that?" I asked Tim. He smiled at me slightly "It is a black coffee, with 8 shots of espresso." He said looking proud. I swiped it out of his hand replacing his full cup with my almost empty one. Then I walked towards the door while downing it. Then I threw away the extra large foam cup, and headed to the principal's office.

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