That little bitch

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-Above is a picture of Natasha

I was celebrating my high school graduation when my ex-best friend, Natasha, and her new clique walked in. As soon as she saw me, she smirked and walked over her 2 red head minions followed.

"Hi Alexia. Um who's this?" She said as she eyed Garret and licked her lips. That did it I stepped in front of him and said sharply "That's my child's father so go be slutty, you lonely bitch!" I sad. By then a whole crowd had circled around us. Everyone there was a werewolf so everyone knew things were gonna get ugly very quick.

"And be careful hon,"she said as I eyed her suspicious" take care of your little passenger" she said as her fingernails grazed my stomach. Everything happened so quick. I grabbed her hair and yanked some out. Garret was fighting her boyfriend and then a fist punched my stomach. It was that little bitch. I looked at my throbbing stomach then at the little bitch, I lunged goes at her and sliced her arm. Everyone cheered on the pregnant teen who won a fight.

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