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"Alexia, get your tail up or I'm gonna burn it off.!"said my mom,"you're gonna be late for school!"
"Alright, Alright  you are so pushy, like I can't even get a wink of sleep before you tell me to get up damn it!" I reply angrily. I had a great party last night at my bgff's house and it was awesome. Everyone already had their mates. April&Derek, Jazz&Mike, Me&no one. Until tommorow cause I'm turning 16 the age of werewolves when they get mates. Anyways, as I got up, I looked in the mirror and shreiked, I looked horrible!
"Alexia, are you OK in there?"
"Um yeah I thought I saw a cat out the window. I know it sounded lame, but that's all I had in mind at the time because as I remembered the party, I remembered April's ugly jet black cat with orangish-yellow eyes, each time I laughed he hissed at me. I growled one time and the whole crowd turned their heads towards me in curiosity. Thank goodness they were all werewolves cause then I'd be in trouble with the wolf council. So I got in the shower, combed out my coarse hair and drove to school.To see my fate. To see my future. To see my mate.

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