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It was really dark.The only thing that I could see was myself.I'm fucking glowing.I look around if anyone was there."SATAN IF YOU CAN FUCKING HEAR ME IS THIS HELL!"I shout out.No answer.I roll my eye and cross my arms.I stand there waiting for something.Anything y'know.but nope.I can't stand this so I walk around.I spot a bright light.Will I finally die?My eyes lit up at the thought.

I run towards it.I squinted as the light became bigger.I flutter my eyes open to find..............Jeanette.She looked worried.I grimace at the sight of her.As she opens her mouth to say something I cut her off"don't ever touch me, come near me, or talk to me."I sneer.

I jumped off the bed and headed for the door.A maid blocked me.I raise my eyebrows looking at her."The princess saved you.Be thankful"She emphasizes 'you'.I roll my eyes I turn around and say thankyou in boredom.The maid suddenly slapped me.

My blood went cold.I looked up to see a sword hanging on the wall.It was almost calling out to me.I listened to it's call and reached for it.I had drawn it and it was against her neck.

Her eyes shined with terror.I heard Jeanette gasp.My eyes glowered."such insolence will be punished"I say and slit her throat.I looked behind me to find Jeanette who was currently crying."s-sister how could you do this."I ignored her walking out of the room immediately.I touched my face to find blood.I realised I was still holding the sword.I tossed it behind me.I heard a clang and an ouch behind me.I turn around to find.........HIM

Been waaaaaay to long.I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes because it is 2 am.So good night/morning <3

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