The Second Child (SBI-Techno+Tubbo)

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Summery: Tommy realizes his life is full of whispering people and cages. So he changes that. Story is loosely based of the song above.
Setting: his town area, the countryside.

Tommy's Pov:

I squirm in my seat at the diner table, looking out at the vast wildlife outside. If I could only be aloud to go out and play, maybe then I wouldn't feel so trapped.

This usually happens, big bursts of energy dwindling because of my father's ruthless rules.

He says I'll hurt myself, it's not my fault everyone seems to want to fight me.

My father was quick to shun any of my ideas down, so did my brother. Their impulse was to say 'you ruthless child and your big imagination.'

I finish the plate of food given to me before my father had enough time to sit down himself.

Plopping the plate in the sink, I race outside. The wind sweeps my hair out of my face as I smile brightly.

I listen to the whistling wind, the crunching grass under my shoeless feet, and the animals in the wilderness singing their harmonies.

I laugh, truly this is the place I belong. No walls to bind me and no adult to guide me.

Out here people would say I'm a whole different person.

"Forever restless!" One girl shouts harshly as I run past. I slow down, trying to mask my grief.

"Fuck you bitch!" I haller in return, speeding up again.

Because no matter how hard I try, some people aren't worth trying to make friends with.

It's getting more difficult to please people the older I get. People look down upon me, view me as the lesser child to my father, Philza Minecraft.

Philza W Minecraft, Wilbur S Minecraft, and finally me: Tommy I Minecraft.

Phil is an survivalist, or was an survivalist. He use to go on grand adventures with an old friend of his. Until he and that friend of his argued and went their separate ways. My father has never been the same since.

Wilbur is the creative one, he got his fathers ambition to try something new and his mother's creativity. He performs with that band of his wherever they are allowed.

Then there is me, I'm what people call the troubling child. I got Phil's thirst for adventure. Want of something new. I inherited my mother's loud mouth and wild energy.

My father says Wilbur takes more off our mother while I do my father.

I come across a barrier, dense trees block my dirt path. Nature should know by now, nothing stops me from the destination I seek.

So I take a breath and slip inside the dense trees.

It is not  dark inside the small foliage. It didn't take me long to venture through.

A few minutes later, I'm out of the trees barrier, travelling once again through the path set side for me by calculated steps.

I meet different obstacles, rude people to tricky bushes.

I succeeded in passing them all, the destination set in stone.

Soon, a house comes into view. Finally, I'm almost there.

The last hurdle to jump over is the steps, then the huge door.

Someone opens the door, I smile at the familiar face.



"I have a proposition for you." Tommy gives his friend a toothy grin.

"Ok, shoot" his friend replies, nervousness present in his voice, clouds his eyes.

"How about we go on an adventure! One further then we have ever gone before, ever known before." He watches his most valuable friend closely.

He examines every little thing he does. Trying to get a feel for his response before he even say it. Just so he's better prepared.

Tubbo sighs, with those gloomy eyes of his.

"Tommy, I wish I could, but, I have some things to do here." He explains hazily.

"Oh," I knew he would say this, from the way he shrunk slightly at the question and how his face fell. "I'll just leave them..."

"Maybe next time!" Tubbo says considerately.

"Yea, maybe." I turn around, hearing the whispered apology and the banging of the door closing.

I run from the front steps, my bare feet not as confident and not as calculated as before.

I didn't cry, I am a big man. I don't cry. Not when my father neglects me, not when my work gets too stressful to manage. Not even when I get back from a particularly bad fight with the man plastered in green did I cry.

But that's not what the outsiders would say through their whispers claiming of demons coursing through me.

But they didn't know me, only I did. Only I would know who I was. And if a voice tells me to run farther then I have before, with only a bag full of the necessary supplies, then who was I to deny them.

"Fuck you all!" I scream out as I reach the country edge. There I stop, lungs too deprived of air to continue.

"F-fuck.." I don't realised how far I actually had gone until now. What once was a small town in a forest is replaced with empty land for as far as the eye can see, being replaced with vast corn farms.

It's to late to turn back now. Not if what awaits me is an a cured father and a scared brother. My only regret is not saying a better goodbye to Tubbo, and his husband Ranboo. God, I didn't even get to say my farewells to Ranboo.

Like a bird free from it's cage, or a broken boy from his bullies, I fly away, the sun leaving the sky allowing the moon to accompany me in my escape.

As I stare off into the distant corn fields, I can see a farmer, working at his farms, his tractor doing its job.

The man's pink hair could be seen from here and I wonder why someone would go through the trouble of keeping his hair a consistent pink color. How could he even afford hair dye baffles me.

But that's not my problem, my only problem at this point forward is finding a place to stay and rest.

Thank you urmhey for the request! I had a lot of fun with this one.

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