Cut Insanity (Dream, Niki, Awesomedude)

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Summery: Dream gets a severe head injury after trying to read an essay he made.
Setting: the prison, DSMP

Twt: Blood, head injuries, swears.

"Tommy, oh Tommy. A stupid soul you are." Dream giggled from his cell. "Why even bother, no one cares! Haven't you herd?! The admin, ADMIN is locked up!"

He went into a fit of laughter, banging his head against the walls until blood made its way down his neck. His cracked mask cracking even more.

"Dream, why? Why do this when you know the outcome?" Tommy asked shaking his head at the madman in front of him.

"Tommy don't you know? This is all apart of the plan," Dream exclaimed raising his hands cocking his head slightly.

Tommy crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow, "really, getting thrown in jail was 'apart of the plan'?"

"Yep," Dream nodded, plopping on the floor. "All apart of the plan..."

"Here," Tommy threw some books towards Dream, "I want you to wright 5 15 page essays. I'll be back in a week, if I don't see them done I'll be very disappointed."

"Right on it, not like I can do anything else." Dream flipped through some of the books pages, "how to date women..." He mumbled.

"Yep, better be done by then." Tommy looked around the room, trying to find something to change the topic, "Dream..."


"Do you regret anything?"


"Do you miss anyone? Anyone at all?"

"... Tommy, I think it's your time to leave."

"What? No!"

"Guard! Guard Tommy's time is done!"

"No wait!" But before Tommy could say anything else, Awesomedude came and told Tommy to come with him.

Sighing Tommy left Dream, unsatisfied. Making there way out of the prison they went there separate way.

Tommy heading to go do something wile Awsesomedude guards the enterancd to the prison.

Meanwhile, with Dream, he went straight to work on the first book, 'how to date women'.

It took him a couple of hours but eventually he finished. Smiling he looked at his work, frowning when it was just scribbles on paper.

'I swear I wrote something down.'

Flipping through my work I found something, 'Sapnap' and some scribbles on all sides.

'Ok I think I said something like 'Sapnap knows more about this then I do.'

I erase the scribbles and write that. Looking back at what I draw.

More scribbles. It's just all scribbles! I throw the book across the room. 'Let's just try a different book.'

I pick up another book, completing it after a few hours.

Flipping through it the words that caught my eye where all names.

George, Tommy, Sapnap, all names.

I started to clench up. Walking behind me to the furthest wall.

It's gets hard to breath. I try taking more breaths but that doesn't help. I try calling for someone, but no one comes. My mind becomes a haze and all sounds are blocked.

I pass out from oxygen loss.

3rd person Awesomedude

Hearing some banding in Dreams cell, Awesomedude went to check it out. Going through all the gates and passageways that lead to the most important cell, Dream's cell.

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