When Pigs Die (Techno)

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Summery: you fallow a piglin's life up to death. Then you watch as the people he loves plan their revenge.
Setting: the nether, their past homes, Pogtopia, his cottage.

Tw: small amounts of violence and kinda vague details of blood and gore.

He doesn't remember his long forgotten beginnings.

He does remember long and quiet days sitting in his room. Occupied by a fat book or the sharpening his blade as he sits by the tinted window showing his red tinted world.

He would listen peacefully as his parents taught the language of their land. Watching as people walk busily in the town square.

After a short time of blissfulness in his memory, he sits alone in a aria not so far off from his home.

He sits their, a knife gripped in his hand, unprepared.

Then he hears footsteps, a boy, no older then he spots him.

The young boy runs up to him with a smile as wide as a ghast. The boy said something, jiberesh to the boys ears.

After an short interaction, the boy left the now content and quite confused boy on the ground.

Fast forward in time, the small boy becoming a little taller.

While he hunts he can't help but listen into what some voices are saying.

However useless the task, he finds it quite funny.

They talk about different topics, strange topics to him, but none the less he listens on as he hunts, cause that's what he knows best.

Someone says something making him turn around, startled.

That's the day he met his best friend, the day he first stepped foot onto the over-world. He can still picture his amazed face as he looks at its bright purple swirls, that color foreign to him until now.

He and his best friend would play, joke about the most stupidest of stuff.

Eventually they came across some old swords, and as if on instinct the piglin grabbed its hilt.

They fought till he and his friend was too tired to fight.

They traveled together, worked any job that would allow them.

A blur, nothing really happening, but a distinct feeling of loneliness lingered.

Then he sees his best friend, at a bar. He might have squealed seeing his friend. It didn't matter to him at the moment, all that mattered at that moment was the bear hug he gave his friend.

If a few feathers fell of his friend's mysteriously black wings, no one mentioned it.

That was the day he learned of his friend's deal with the goddess of death.

After that the piglin and his winged friend went on many adventures, Meeting new people and exploring new areas.

After a while his friend proposed an idea he would have never imagined, settling down.

He would never understand until years later why his friend so desperately wanted to stop joining in other's battles.

He fallowed his best friend, believing if his friend wanted to settle down, he would fallow. They made a place in the Arctic and lived their best lives.

It was a cold day when his friend came back from the town, out to get groceries.

He came back with his hands full of bags and a little child. No older then 10.

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