Chapter 5

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My Father barged in the hospital room, where I was sitting. Waiting to be attended.

"Ruth! Are you ok?" He asked.

"Hi Dad" I said calmly.

"What happened?"

"Britney happened" Rachel responded.

"Does it hurt?!"

"Yes, a little" I said. 

"Thank you Rachel"

"No problem"

The doctor walked to us, with a white like-thing.

"Her eye just need stiches and after 2 weeks it will be healed, so don't worry. Everything will be okay and here is the ointment that will help with the healing" He hand it to my father.

"Thank you so much" I half-smiled.

"Your welcome. Take care now"

"Hun, who is Britney?" My father asked.

"She's the head of the school and loves to pick on students especially me"

"I'll go down the school Monday morning and talk to them, good? This should not be happening!"

"No! Dad, it's okay. I'm fine"

"You don't look 'fine'. I'll go down there and talk to them. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"


We went home, saying goodbyes to Rachel. Dad was still angry but he managed to calm down.

"Don't be up late okay? You need rest"

"I won't" I assured him.

He walked back to his room. Something was off about him. His eyes was red and tired.

Right now I'm currently reading a book about 'Finding Faith'. I wanted to jot down some points but couldn't find any pencils.

I looked everywhere but couldn't find any. I heard talking in Dad's room and went to check.

"I promise you, I will get the money. I just need time"


"No! Please, give me some time. I will get it to you"

I opened the door quietly and see he's talking on the phone with someone, pacing up and down.

"You don't understand I- I just need time. It's just me and my daughter alone"

"Okay, yes. I will do that and you will get your money" He hanged up the phone. He looks stressed, rubbing his head. What does money have to do with this?

Thoughts wondered in my head. I didn't even realize that the door was fully open now with Dad looking at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sternly.

"I was looking for my pencil, I don't see it" I couldn't tell him I was eavesdropping, he would just shout and ground me. Dad used to be a believer, but he changed since mom died.

"Here's one" He handed me it. "Go to bed now. Do not stay up late" He walked me out, clearly his voice was laced with anger.

"I won't Dad. I'm going to bed now" I replied.

He was acting wierd. He's hiding something and I need to find out.

to be continued...

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