Chapter 1

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I walked down the hall, full of people calling me all kinds of names. Hi, I'm Ruth.

I run to the bathroom, picking off the garbage they threw on my clothes.

"Well, well, what do we have here" Britney smirked.

Britney is the Head Girl of the school along with her followers, Diana and Rebecca. We used to be bestfriends but she let popularity get to her head.

"What do you want, Britney?"

"Nothing, just" She looked on her fingers, innocently. "I want you to tell the principal that you broke Jayden's Camera"


"Remember" She walks up to Ruth. "I'm the Head Girl of the school, so you gotta do what I say, k?" 

"Why can't you tell the principal you did it?"

"My reputation is not going to flopped because of some stupid camera. I'm asking you to tell the principal or I'll do it my way"

"Do as Brit says or you'll regret it" Rebecca spat.

"Are you scared? Huh? Scared to get expelled?" Diana laughed.

"No, I'm not and I have to get to class, so excuse me please"

Britney blocked her way.

"You aren't going to class until you accept it"

"Britney, just take the blame. I need to get to class"

"A spoiled brat, aren't you? Acting like your all innocent, huh? I'll do it my way then and let me tell you.  You'll regret it" "Come on girls!" She walked out, pridefully followed with her minions. They gave me a nasty look.

I bowed my head and prayed a short prayer. Then went to class.


It's a lonely road when walking with Christ, no friends. But I'm grateful to experience God's Love.

Usually when school is done, I go swimming. But it looks like I'm early today.

"Miss Davis, I'm I the only one here?" I asked her.

"Yes, it seems so" She look on her watch. "It looks like the others are late"

"No! I'm here! Sorry for being late" A girl with brown skin and long black hair with beautiful features shouted.

"Hurry up and get changed" Mrs. Davis replied.

She ran to the changing room.

"Is she new?"

"Yes, today she registered at the school and she's getting active in some of the clubs as well" Mrs.Davis said.

"She have so much energy!" I chuckled.

"She does and will make the school proud"

From I came to the school, Mrs.Davis was the one to help me and my family with financial problems. I thank God for her and overall we develop a great friendship.

By the time we finished chatting, the new girl and all the other students were here.

"Now, please pay attention to the instructions before you proceed to swim"

She instructed us on how it goes and as we continue in obedience, it was time to go home.

"Bye Mrs. Davis, See you on Thursday!" I shouted.

"Bye hun! Make sure to take care of you and your family for me" 

"I will!" I walked out.

"Hey! Hey! Girl in the white blouse!" A voice said.

"Who-oh" It was the new girl. "May I help you?" I asked, confused.

"I don't want to seem clingy, but I don't have any friends and maybe you can be my-"

I was excited and surely I was gonna answer-"Of course!"

"I thought you wouldn't want to"

"No, Never! What's your name?"

"Rachel, yours?

"Ruth and I realized that your name is named after Rachel in the bible! As well as mines!"

"I realized too! We're gonna be best of friends, your a christian right?"

"I am, are you?"


This is going to be a great christ-centered friendship.

to be continued...

to be continued

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