The Wheel

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Jesse reached for the steering wheel of the new car he and Winnie had just bought. Who knew horses would be replaced with motors in the future? 

He was trying to figure out how to work it when Winnie opened the passenger door and sat next to him. 

"So did you figure it out?"

"Nope," He replied, a slight chuckle in his voice. "But we've got time to figure it out."

"So you started an entire student rebellion but can't figure out a machine," She chuckled, "I swear cars will be the greatest invention of our lives," Winnie said while gesturing out, marveling at the car in front of her.

"I'll challenge that statement in 50 years just you wait," Jesse said, teasing Winnie.

"Oh yeah?" She replied, crossing her arms, "What do you think they'll make next?"

"Hmmm," Jesse started, thinking about the new inventions that could come. "Maybe some sort of machine you can put things on and talk to people through at the same time."

"Yeah right," Winnie replied, smiling at Jesse, and he smiled back.



"How in the world did you ever predict this?" Winnie said while holding a new smartphone, trying to call Angus before giving up.

"Well I have had about 100 years more of experience than you silly," Jesse replied while reading the newspaper trying to find another adventure for them.

"Hey! I thought we said you couldn't pull the age card," Winnie said, walking over to the couch to sit next to him.

"Yeah, yeah," Jesse said, as Winnie curled up next to him, her head on his shoulder. "I have no clue what we should do next," he continued while trying not to move to keep Winnie comfortable.

Her head shot up. "Jesse!" She said loudly, causing him to wince and then giggle, "Can we go to Disneyland?"

His smile spread even wider at the mention of Disneyland. "Does mother say yes?"

"Hmmm," Winnie said, as she brought her hand up like she always did when she pretended to think. "Nope!"

"Perfect." He said and grabbed both their satchels.

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