29 Jan 2011

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Even though nothing much happened today, I still managed to spout some two thousand words (the most since my first entry. See below for more information) out of nothing. Okay, not exactly nothing. But this cannot, repeat, absolutely cannot be seen by any of the actual people who knows me. Too much gossip, probably. And a lot of people are featured here.

29 January 2011, Saturday

You know, I'm not normally a stupid, reckless, or impulsive person. Plus I have severe social-interaction phobia (if I do say so myself). How, then, can I explain my completely out-of-character behavior today? Even to myself? I'll tell you why. It's all Alice's fault. Let me tell you how it started.

Alice and I had, as noted in the above entry, originally planned to go to the Art Museum at noon, so I decided to sleep in until eleven. However, my plans were rudely interrupted when Victor came into my room sometime after eleven (he didn't know what time it was when I asked him) with the phone. I've accidentally overslept more than once before, so I've come to absolutely dread the morning phone call the day we're supposed to go out.

I was right to dread it, but not for the reason I thought: Alice said she couldn't go today, because she had to go pick up her anxiety medication from the doctor today (who's not open during the Chinese New Year. Most things, save fast food restaurants and convenience stores, are closed during the almost week-long holiday. It's one of our most important holidays, and is all about celebrating with your loved ones and welcoming a new year.) and she had to take mock TOEFLs again. Darn.

We rescheduled to Tuesday. While I went to the toilet, preparing to go back to sleep until noon, the stupid idea hit me, and it wouldn't let go. See, I'd originally hoped to see if I could ask Christopher to come with us on Wednesday (remember? The rain), but I lost my nerve, or just plain forgot. Nah, it was actually because I couldn't get up the guts, and it was too late to ask him.

But since we're only going on Tuesday, there was no reason I couldn't call him and ask, right? Plus all of his family members, save his grandma, weren't home (Remember, I know his younger sister. And I'm pretty sure his parents know me as well. It'd be horrible if any one of them, except probably his dad, picked up the phone). I've got nothing to lose. Wrong. The mere idea, or plan, nearly drove me crazy with nerves for the whole of today. I was even more jittery than usual, and the knot in my stomach was ever-present.

No matter how hard I tried, I could not go back to sleep after the idea hit me. Just my luck (bad), I'm sure, I was just drifting off again when Dad knocked on my door and made me get up for lunch outside.

We went to a pasta restaurant in the Gongguan region called 'Discovery Spaghetti' or something like that. It was quite good, but neither Victor nor I could finish ours, so we had it wrapped up to take home.

After surfing the net on the iPhone for more than an hour, I started to do our winter break homework. There is a ridiculously large amount of it. I only finished English (Duh. Ten minutes, tops) and History (because I'd already finished most of it during the semester). I got sick of doing homework halfway during Geography, so I turned to the iPhone again.

You must remember that, all through the day, the queasy feeling at what I planned to do tonight: 'call Alice first for moral support and permission, then call him', never let up. At all. So I was a bit distracted.

I messed around until around nine. I'd originally hoped to start calling then, but Dad was furious because Victor had somehow managed to make the computer go haywire and he was trying to fix it, so I didn't exactly dare. I actually decided to put it off until tomorrow.

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