Chapter 30....

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When I saw the person walking towards us, carrying a large duffle bag and a permeant grin on his face, I shouldn't have been surprised to recognize the face. Now I could put the name to the face. Mateo Boone. One of the kids that apologized for his teammates the day of the photoshoot and even let me ask him questions. Now I understood where the good manners came from.

"Oh baby you did so great!" Wyatt's mom Evelyn rushed to her youngest and pulled him into a tight hug. I held back a laugh at the helpless look he sent Wyatt and Landon. Pulling back Evelyn planted kisses on his face. This time I had laughed into my hand at the disgusted look on his face.

"Ew mom." Mateo pulled out her hold and wiped at his face. But I didn't miss the look of love in his eyes when he smiled at his mom. She really did raise these boys right.

"Good job punk." Landon stepped forward and ruffled his hair.

"Knew you'd kill it." Wyatt pulled his little brother into a tight hug. A look of pride washed over his face at his brothers praises. It was clear his brothers opinions meant a lot. When Wyatt finally let him go and stepped back, Mateo's eyes landed on mine.

We stared at each other for a good second, his eyes widened a fraction.

"You." The two of us said at the same time. Yep he definitely was the kid from a few weeks ago. Crazy that I actually met Wyatt's little brother hours before getting stuck in an elevator with him.

"Wait. You guys know each other?" Landon looked between Mateo and I. Wyatt and Evelyn stared at us in complete confusion.

"You're the girl who took pictures of the team a few weeks ago."

"You're the one who apologized and answered some questions for me." I nodded.

"Hold on a second how did you guys meet exactly?" Wyatt asked.

"On a Friday a few weeks ago my boss had me take pictures for a high school football team which I guess was Mateo's."

"Wait is this the team that hit on you?" I laughed at the fact that was the only thing Wyatt remembered.

"Yeah. It was right after that we got stuck in the elevator together." I could see it all click in Wyatt's mind. "The team were a bit...difficult and your brother was one of the only ones that was nice and answered my questions."

"Damn small world." Landon whistled.

"So technically this means I met your girl first." Mateo smirked over at Wyatt.

"Don't even think of finishing that sentence." Wyatt threatened, narrowing his eyes at his brother.

"Isn't it the first person who sees her gets her?" My grin widened when Mateo sent me a wink, clearly only doing it to mess with his brother. "Feel free to leave my brother and be with me instead."

Oh boy this kid was only 17, already a flirt and no doubt a heartbreaker like his two brothers. I found it funny he was trying to flirt with me when I was a good seven years older and with his brother. I almost said girlfriend but I wasn't sure if I was Wyatt's girlfriend. Yeah we've hung out quite a bit, went on a date, and now meeting his family but we have yet to put a label on us.

"In your dreams." Wyatt scoffed.

"You mean in her dreams." I'm pretty sure Mateo was asking for it. All it took was another wink in my direction for Wyatt to lung at him. Mateo dropped his bag and took off, Wyatt on his heels.

"Wow you are getting as slow as Landon." Mateo shot over his shoulder as be ran past.

"What did you just say?" Landon took a step forward.

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