Chapter 19....

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Waiting all week to see Wyatt again was torture. I don't know how many times I almost just said screw it and went to his apartment to see him. But I had to tell myself to slow down. I couldn't be acting like some clingy girlfriend after only knowing him a few days.

But for some reason I felt like I was in high school all over again having a stupid crush on the hot boy in my class. Whenever I saw his name pop up on my phone a sort of giddiness would enter my body. My face was set in a permeant grin every time I read his texts.

While we haven't seen each other since Monday we've been texting every single day. Telling each other about what we were doing, how our days were, what the other person was watching on tv.

When Friday finally came along I was literally bouncing in my office chair counting down the minutes until I got to leave. I wanted to go home and freshen up before heading to the game. No way was I going to see Wyatt after having spent the entire day outside walking around sweating my ass off. Nope, no way.

Plus, this morning I had woken up to a text from Wyatt telling me to check outside of my door. I literally jumped out of bed so fast and ran to the door to see what it was. Sitting there in a bag was a Toronto Knights jersey but not just any jersey. It was a Wyatt Boone one. I was fairly certain it was the one he let me wear the night of the elevator.

It had taken until well into my morning for the smile on my face to disappear. The fact that he gave me one of his own jerseys to wear tonight meant a lot. Aside from the fact that it was beyond sweet of him to do it was also a way to show I was there for him tonight. No one else.

I knew a bunch of people would be wearing similar jerseys with Boone on the back but none of them were wearing this one. One actually worn by said player. That alone made me giddy like a school girl. I honestly couldn't wait for Wyatt to see me in it.

As soon as my clock hit 4 o'clock I was up and out of my chair grabbing my things. I quickly made my way over to Lydia's office.

"Hey." I peered through the door. "Just wanted to say a quick bye before I leave for the weekend."

"Oh yeah to go see your hunky new boyfriend play tonight." Lydia grinned wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned back in her chair. I finally spilled the beans to her on Wednesday when I took her to eat at Rick's food truck. 

I was itching to tell someone about Wyatt and even though Lydia was my boss she was also my closest friend. I would have told my other best friend, Tasha, but she was currently in Florida visiting family so that wasn't really an option.

The moment she found out I was 'seeing' Wyatt Boone she freaked out, repeatedly slapping me on the shoulder for not telling her sooner.

"He isn't my boyfriend."

"Well he is going to be soon." She smirked.

"Yeah yeah." I waved her off, even if her words made butterflies erupt in my belly. "I better go get ready. I'll text you later." I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

"Text me all the dirty sex details tomorrow!" She called after me. Laughing I headed out of my office building towards me car. I had a game to get to.

* * * * * * * * *

I nervously played with the sleeves of the jersey as I waited in line to get into the arena. I opted for a simple outfit of just jeans and the jersey but tied the jersey so it didn't fall to my knees, making me look like a toddler.

I was nervous to see Wyatt play but that wasn't the full reason. This would be my first ever hockey game I've been to in person. I've seen plenty on TV but actually coming to It was always my dad and I's dreamt to come one day. To be close enough to see the fights happen and feel the cold from the ice.

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