Chapter 1....

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****THIS BOOK WILL BE SELF-PUBLISHED!! Really soon I will announcing a release date for this book. I decided to take the plunge and publish it myself. Which is really exciting and nerve-wrecking but I am really excited for you guys to get your hands on a copy!! Make sure to follow me on my social medias to see the release date, cover, sneak peek at the published version!!*****

"Josie, can you come in here for a moment." The sound of my boss's voice echoed around my office through the phone. Letting out a sigh, I pushed away from my desk and headed for the door.

On the walk to my bosses office down the hall I prayed she didn't suddenly need me for something. There was only an hour left of the work week and I was more than ready to go home and relax. My lower back was killing me from bending over my desk for the past two hours and my eyes were going buggy from staring at my screen for far too long. I was in a dire need of a glass of wine when I got home.

Knocking on my boss's door, I popped my head inside. Her short blonde head bent over her desk, working on something.

"You needed me?"

"Yes, come in." As I took a seat across from my boss, Lydia, I instantly knew my plans of going home a bit early were null and void now. "I just got a last minute request for someone to take pictures of a local football team that made it to some championship game," she started to say making me groan.

"And you said I would do it." By the sheepish look on her face I knew I was correct. "Why me?" I all but whined. I have already spent the whole week taking pictures of a local charity group planning a huge event in a few weeks, not to mention editing and writing multiple blog posts for other events happening too.

"Everyone has already left or are out on others assignments. I know you've already had a full week but they promised it would only take an hour tops." Lydia said, leaning forward and sending me a pleading look.

I loved Lydia, I do. She's probably the most easy going boss anyone could have, and seeing that she was basically one of my best friends, she knew exactly what looks to give me to make me agree.

"You will also be getting paid over time if you do it," she added. I went to groan again at her words. She knew I wouldn't pass up getting paid over time. Plus, it wasn't like I couldn't do it. I had pretty much finished up my work for the week anyways and it wasn't like I had huge plans tonight.

"Fine, I'll do it." I mumbled which made Lydia beam.

"You are a life saver, Josie." She rattled off details as she typed into her phone. "Just take the pictures and ask the boys how they feel about making it to the championship, talk to the Coach for a second and then you are done. On Monday we can work on the rest."

I nodded while looking at the details she sent me. It was a pretty straightforward meet up and wasn't that far from the office. Definitely should be able to knock it out in an hour if not earlier.

"I better get going but you owe me for this one." I said as I stood up and headed for the door.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me know when you are done." I sent her a thumbs up as I opened the door and stepped out. "Let me know if you want to hangout this weekend," she called after me. With a shout over my shoulder I went back to my office to grab my things.

I made quick work of grabbing my purse and camera. The sooner I got there, the sooner my plans of going home to relax could come true. After saying a few quick 'see you laters' to the people left in the office, I headed out of the office and towards my car.

Despite the groaning in Lydia's office I loved my job. It is the first time I have ever been able to actually say I love what I do. I literally get paid to go around and take pictures of events, people, food, concerts, sports, and write a little piece on it for people to read and see.

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