chapter 6

181 2 9

4 weeks later

Chris's POV

I scroll through insta as jimmy talks
I wasn't really paying attention
"Chris" jimmy says
I look up and stare at him
"Yea?" I ask
"You down?" He says
"For what?" I ask
"Vocation" he says
"Oh? Uh sure?" I say
"Good because I already booked the flight and rooms" he says
"You have a room with Chandler if you dont mind" he says
I nod and look back down at the phone
"We leave this Friday ok" he says
"Mhm" I say
I turn off my phone and look up at Jimmy
"I'm kinda hungry" I say
"Wanna get something?" He asks
"Sure" I say
I get up and pick up my keys
"Can we pick up chan?" I ask walking towards the warehouse entrance
"Sure" he says
"Ever since chan came back you guys been close" he says getting in the car
I look at him close the door scared
What if he knows that I slept with him.. or excepted a relationship with him while Katie is away..

"Uh..yea I'm helping him with.. stuff" I say he puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me
"He probably really needed it" jimmy says "yea he did.." I say
He let's go and pulls down the mirror to look at himself
I let out a sigh of relief and put the keys in the car

(20 minutes later)

We get to his apartment I get out and walk up the stairs
I grab the key and unlock it
I walk in and see him asleep on the couch I walk towards him and sit on the side of him
"Hey hey" I say while running my hand through his hair
I look at his beautiful face and rub his cheek I watch his pretty brown eyes open I let out a smile and kiss his cheek "get up" I say while helping him up "are we going somewhere" he says in a raspy voice
"Yea" I say
I take his blanket off and set it to the side he grabs his phone beside him
We both get up and leave the house

(Time skip)

I told chandler about the vocation thing and he's basically down for it me and him have a room together I'm just so paranoid that jimmy will find out and tell Katie or even anyone
It just drives me hella crazy
"Chan Chan" I say walking down the hall way towards the bathroom
"What" he says turning towards me
"What's today again" I ask
"Thursday" he says dropping his towel
"Should I shave? Or like trim?" He asks
I look down and look back at him
"Just trim I like the hair" I say giving him a smerk "I'm gonna pack" I say taking steps back
Walking into the room  I grab one of the suite cases he has in the closet
I drag it near the bed and struggle putting it on the bed "wh- what's I- in here" I we'll moving it over  "I don't know" he says carelessly
I unzip it and see pictures of him and Lauren and some of her belongings
I was about to close it up until i saw something pink stick out  I let out a small laugh and reach in for it
"What?" Chandler says walking in with a smile
He looks at me and slowly loses his smile
"It's not mine-  she left it here" he says
"We can probably use it" i say smiling
He lets out a smile and starts blushing
"I know you want to use it" I say walking Towards him  I pull him in for a kiss and back away "alright ima pack" I say with a little chuckle


Alr got the ending down for this book two more chapters left :)

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