chapter 2

372 4 13

Chandlers POV

"No because jimmy is literally going crazy" chris says
"For the past months you where gone he literally said Logan paul for 17 hours" he adds
"Also he broke laws and smashed Tyler's stuff" he adds
"He also made me drive him to get alot of snickers" he adds

"Oh..?" I say
"Yea..but he asked if you wanted to start filming again" chris says
" wait on that" I say

I dont really wanna film..or do stuff for the channel...
I just want a longer break

"Im..ima go to the bathroom" I say
While getting up off the couch
"Ok?" Chris says
I walk around him and head down the hall way and walk in to the bathroom
And also close the door
I look around and turn on the light

Shit it looks...messy
I really haven't noticed that..I mean I've probably been drunk every time I came in here

Damn..I look bad
What happened to me?
I look closer in the mirror
"I need to shave.." I say to myself
I take a step back and look at the shelf
"Where is that-" I say before I cut off
I rach out to the bloody knife

I used this one...on my stomach..
That was...not that long ago when I did that why do I do this? Its stupid..
But it helps me...replacing a pain with another...

I lift up my shirt and look at the scar

"Hey you good?" Chris says while knocking on the door
I jump and pull down my shirt

"Yea I'm fine" I say
"Oh ok just checking" he says

I look back in the mirror and stare at myself

(Time skip)

Chris's POV

"Chris" Chandler says
I turn over and look at him
He was shirtless and leaning against the wall
"Can...can you help me clean up? You dont have to if you dont want to.." he asks "oh uh..sure il help" I say
He smiles at me "thanks.." he says
I sit up and stare at him

He looked nice...not in like a..wired way...but he looked different from when I came here..

"What? Something on me?" Chandler says  "oh OH sorry I zoned out" I say
"Oh its ok..." he says
I smile at him and look down

"Il be in my room cleaning up" he says
"Ok" i say

(40 minutes later bc who wants to read about cleaning?)

I kinda finished up in the living room
There wasn't that much of a mess
Except the glass...and the bottles..
I walk past the couch and head towards the hallway I open the door to Chandlers room and see him sitting on the bed
"Uh..hey" I say
He drops something and turns around quickly
"Hi" he says
"What are you doing" i ask
He gets up and holds his arm
"I'm trying to find a shirt" he says
"Oh..well take my hoodie" I say
I pull my hoodie up and slowly take the rest off
"Here" i say
He grabs the hoodie and holds it close to him
"Thanks" he says
He sits down on his bed and looks at the floor

"What's wrong?" I ask while walking on the side of the bed
I sit next to him and look at him
"I'm sorry" he says
I look at him in a confused way
He shows me his arm
I was confused at first until I saw his scars there was one new one..

"You started again?" I ask
"Yea" he says while his voice breaks
I put my arm around him and pull him close to me

"Chan chan.." I say
I felt him sniffle and cry
I started rubbing his back to try and comfort him
"I-i also did this one" he says
He pushes off and stands up he shows me a scar on his stomach

I place my hand on his hip and rub his scar  he steps back and looks at me
"I'm sorry" he says
"did Lauren cause this? Why did you start DOSENT help anything why?...why?"I say
"I'm sorry" his voice breaks
He sits back down puts his hand on my shoulder
I wrap my hand around him and pull him close
"Chan chan.." I sigh

(4 hours later idk what to write anymore)

Chandlers POV

"I think I'm going to head out" Chris says to be honest..I dont wanna be alone..I want him to stay..
"wait...chris..i can you stay? You dont have to I just..dont wanna be alone right now" I say

"Oh..sure" he says
"Thanks" I say
"No problem chan.." he says
"Do you mind if i take a shower?" He asks  " I dont go ahead" i say
"Il get ready to sleep" I add on
"Ok" he says
He smiles and walks down the hallway

(15 minutes later)

I was laying in the feels like this is the first time I'm going to sleep sober..
I'm glad chris came..I missed him..I missed him so much

"Hey do you have a pillow?" Chris asks while opening my bedroom door
"Yea I do" I say
I sit up and look to the side of m
"Actually..can you..can you sleep with me?" I ask
"Uh..sure? What's wrong?" He asks
"I dont know...I just dont wanna be alone" I say
"Oh..ok" he says

After a few minutes I feel chris get in bed with me
I was facing the other side of him
"Goodnight chan chan" he says
"Goodnight" I say
He puts a hand on my neck and starts rubbing me
It felt nice I haven't felt like this in a while..I can't explain how I feel but I loved it...i love chris..<3



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