famous love pt7

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today is everyone's day off, taking today's time to recollect ourselves and back to filming tomorrow afternoon. i was able to have some sleep and slept in a little. the last few days we're hectic, i wasn't able to get mush sleep. I got the idea to buy myself pastries at a nearby café I saw while filming. It looked cute from the outside, so it is probably as pretty in the inside as well my agent suggested that i should bring a friend with me the day before.

"bring one of your friends with you, (y/n)."

i did thought of that. bringing audrey, maybe even patrick. but i don't know.

"why?" there was a pause, i was on my phone searching for a near by café that i could get some food for tomorrow.

"because i like having some friends with me when i do stuff, having them around me helps with my anxiety. they always find ways to have fun and you won't be overthinking things thats bothering you." daniel says happily.
"so basically your saying that later on i should stress about it?" i frowned. i look up, daniel slumps his shoulders, staying quiet.

"wouldn't be alone and think things through be better than to have people distract you from reality and be later on stress?" i objected. yes i do very much love the cast, i consider them as friends, maybe even family. but i really think that i should think about my feelings and the situation in general. aidan is ignoring me after a week.  what ever happen to his statement that night about me being worth the wait?

was it all a lie?

was he just playing with me?

was he joking about it?

what was going on between me and aidan?

was it nothing more that two naive people talking sweet with each other for later to be nothing?

"i. i-" daniel stammers, "i just thought that maybe you need a friend to talk to.." he looked down and away.

i left to continue shooting. i still have a lot to film, with the show having a least 24 episodes in this season. later at night i ordered takeout and ate my food. i thought of what daniel said earlier. perhaps he's right. i've known him for so long. maybe i should ask someone to come along. tomorrow was going to be a new a day.

i woke up in my trailer, feeling cold. today's weather was probably going to be chilly. i did my skincare and decided on an outfit for today's free time. the whole day without having someone scream '3, 2, 1, action' is kinda motivating. it's a nice temporary change just for today. i asked someone to come with me to the café, thinking that maybe daniel is right. it would help with my stress and that later on i would be able to think properly.

"thanks for coming with me, ben." i turned to look at him.
"no problem." he smiles.

we walk silently, i don't want this to be an awkward silence.

"though i don't understand why you didn't ask audrey or patrick for example. you're more close to them then with me." he mentioned. he's right, i could've asked audrey or patrick to come with me. but i felt like having someone with a different perspective then my friends.

"sure i could have, but i didn't." i answered.

i saw ben starring, looking confuse, but he simply shrugged it off.

"do you know where you're going?" he asks.

"no. no i do not." my cheeks reddened from embarrassment. why did i think i know where to go? i saw the café once. once! while filming a while back. i don't remember where i saw it. and also, i am stupid enough to not take a mental note about the café's name. damn.

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